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Building cabbage VSTs for BitWig Studio

i checked version 1 as well and it’s the same for both now. There IS some shared stuff with the builds i don;t know what nor do i think we need to go into it but they both are [i assume reading directly from the .jackdrc

I thank you very much for being so patient and kind by helping me. I have been using linux for a long time [since 95] but i just returned to it after a long hiatus but i have decided to spend [at least] the next calendar year only in linux for arts and interactive media instruction and creation.

yesterday i was successful in bridging the soundhack VSTs for use in bitwig but frankly they are nothing compared to the awesome resources Cabbage provides.

If you are willing could you prehaps walk me through the creation of one instrument/synth.

I would like to create an instrument with one button and 8 sliders and notein from midi

I am going to research csound for any Gendy opcodes – Xenakis has always been a huge inspiration for me ever since Allen Strange gave me his copy of Formalized Music in 1996

i hope you are well and thank you for all the help so far


That’s how the JUCE jack drivers work. They will refer to the what the current buffer size in Jack is. What Jack interface are you using? Most have an option to let you select the buffer sizes.

Have you checked out these videos? The last one shows how to import a plugin into Bitwig. I’ve attached a simple instrument that has 8 sliders and one button. Instrument 1 will be triggered by incoming MIDI messages, and for now all it does it print the current MIDI note number. Should get you started :wink:
Starter.csd (1.2 KB)

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thank you sir that’s awesome
this is going to be so much fun.

by the way i wante dto say thanks
i got Cabbage2 working perfectly on
4.13.0-32-generic #35~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 25 10:13:43 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
with JUCE and the Steinberg SDK

Thank you


I’m glad you got it working. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!