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Building on Linux (resolved)

i’m about to do it now. thanks for your help. I will keep you posted.

You’ll also need to donwload the VST SDK from Steinberg. You can find it online. Extract it to a folder in your home folder called SDKs.

i cloned the git repository and extracted VST3 SDK in ‘SDKs’ .

home/SDKs/VST3 SDK

What next?

Do you have Csound installed? It’s quite easy to build. What distro are you using? Assuming you are using a flavour of Ubuntu, you can find instructions here:

Let me know if you hit any snags.

Yes! I have had my Csound installed.

gyu@Gyu:~$ csound
virtual_keyboard real time MIDI plugin for Csound
WARNING: STK opcodes not available: define environment variable RAWWAVE_PATH
(points to rawwaves directory) to use STK opcodes.
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 6.07 (double samples) Feb 26 2016

I am using ubuntu 14.04

Ok. I’m not sure if Cabbage will find the VST2.4 sdk inside the VST3 folder, but we can try it. First rename the “VST3 SDK” folder to “VST3SDK” so that it the folder name contains no white spaces. You may have this folder in the wrong place in fact. If should be in your home directory, rather than home. For example, the path should look like this:

/home/Gyu_Park/SDKs/VST3 SDK

mine is located at


With the SDK folder in the right place, navigate to the Cabbage/Builds/Linux folder from the terminal. Then try running the following command(replacing the SDK path with a valid one):

./buildCabbage “/usr/local/include/csound” “/usr/local/lib” “/home/Gyu_Park/SDKs/VST3SDK”

If you’re lucky that should do it. Otherwise post back the errors you get. It might be best to copy and paste them into a text file and attach that :wink:

Untitled Document 1.txt (25.3 KB)

I have attached the result with the error.

Ok, I’ll have to look into getting it working with the VST3 SDK. FOr now you can grab the vst2.4 SDK from here:
Extract it to the SDKs folder. So the path should be ~/SDKs/vstsdk2.4
Then run


You shouldn’t have to pass any paths to the buildCabbage script as I think everything is already in the default location. But if it still does build, try running it with the same command as before, only change the SDK path to the new one. So something like this:

./buildCabbage “/usr/local/include/csound” “/usr/local/lib” “/home/Gyu_Park/SDKs/vstsdk2.4”

Hi, I would be building for Arch. Are there any PKGBUILD scripts available? I didn’t see anything in the AUR repository.

I am getting this error constantly.

compilation terminated.
Compiling juce_opengl.cpp
make: *** [build/intermediate-host/Release/juce_gui_basics_a630dd20.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
cp: cannot stat ‘./build/Cabbage’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘./build/’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘./build/’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘./build/CabbageStudio’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘../../Docs/_book’: No such file or directory

No, I’m afraid not. You’ll need to build it yourself but the build instructions should be the same on Arch. Might be best to start a new thread about building on Arch so other users can learn from your experience?

This is because there were errors with the build. Can you attach the output again?

Untitled Document 2.txt (27.4 KB)

sudo apt-get install libxrandr-dev ?

should i ./buildCabbage afterwards?

yes, and if the compilation ends unsuccessfully please post the output again.

A smaller error :smile:

Compiling CabbageMessageSystem.cpp
Linking CabbageHost
cp: cannot stat ‘../../Docs/_book’: No such file or directory

You can ignore that. You should be good to go. Cabbage should be listed in your Applications menu. You can launch it from there.

Hi Rory.

I couldn’t find Cabbage in the applications folder. I think the installation is incomplete.

try running it from the command line. The full path should be something like this:
