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Rack master branch is 0.6.0 dev now. I haven’t updated my 0.5 Rack for a while, I’ll check where it stands now. If I need to update Rack 0.5.x I’ll do so and report back. But if you mean the CabbageRack branch, yes, it’s pulling from master.

Yes I mean Cabbage Rack. I did notice some issue on my Linux laptop, but my PC was doing fine. I put it down to my laptop being almost 8 years old. I’ll take a another look.

the pre-release builds do not work for me
they crash me
The one i built works for OSX el capitan

here’s mine for OSX which works with the github version of VCV

That’s odd, I tested the OSX one on my machine before uploading. How about audio issues are you experiencing any dropouts and slugish GUI?

yes, it seems a little unstable less smooth than others

That’s what I’m seeing here too. Not sure what’s causing the problem. I’ll have to run it through the profiler and see what’s up.

big shift to 0.6 happened yesterday/today

Thanks I’ll update next week or the week after next.

hey do you think you might have time to update to 0.6 soon?

Should be able to look into it next week. Hopefully it won’t be too painful :wink:

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I’m not sure why I thought it would be so trivial to update this. Seems that this is a huge update. I’ll need more time on this for sure.

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okay please let me know if i can help in any way



please sir …
Doing my best pitiful newsie seeking a donation :slight_smile:
might you look again :slight_smile:

Yes, I promise, maybe tomorrow but it was a real pain the last time. He has completely changed huge parts of the API. I got now that now people have updated their modules so I can learn how they did it. Otherwise I’m in the total dark. But sunny feel bad about reminding me. Really, that’s how things get done in Cabbage land!

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Nice :joy: How can I refuse!

[edit] I’ve made a start at this. So far I’ve managed to remove all compilation errors. I won’t have time to test it today, but will do tomorrow. I’ve no idea if it will work after the reconstructive surgery just carried out, but I’ll let you know when I find out.

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Here’s a version of CabbageRack that should run with the latest version of VCVRack. Note that buttons are not working for some reason, so they have temporarily been removed. I’ll look into this later today or tomorrow. For the most part it seems to work fine but I’ve only checked it with the sample instrument. Just extract these files in place of the ones contained in Cabbage bundle, or simply create the modules manually as described here. (2.8 MB)