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IS_CABBAGE2 define or something similar?

Similar to IS_A_PLUGIN and other reserved channels/macros, I feel like this could be a really useful addition, potentially allowing developers to have slightly different GUIs when using newer features, or otherwise just detecting an older install and failing gracefully.

Sure, it’s easy to add.

No sooner do you say that than do I realize that my idea depends on the cabbage section being able to do ifdef/else/ifndef. Oh well. I was noticing small differences, such as gentables allowing rgba color in c2, but only named colors in c1 and hoping to allow small tweaks for things like that directly in the cabbage section.

Theoretically you could still detect and fix it in the csound section, but that’s some added complexity… that, and gentables don’t appear to be accepting colo(u)r settings on the identchan… I’ll be mentioning that in a new post soon with other observations :wink:

It’s probably best to get used to update to Cabbage 2 rather then trying to manage both versions. I have a feeling I’m going to be getting some bug reports soon…!

I wrote too soon, it was already there!

That’s probably a pretty fair suggestion and I’m just overthinking it.

Not sure how much utility this idea would get in that case.

Not sure how Rory has seen the backward compatibility but indeed changing the tag<Cabbage> to<Cabbage2> could indeed be a warning for users that using such a code might be problematic under cabbage 1.

I’m not sure I want to do down this road. At present things are backwards compatible, but how things look might differ between instruments. I think this is acceptable, even if it is a little inconvenient.