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Midi Effect Export and Chord Maker

Hey guys any help would be appreciated!

  1. I’m looking to create a midi effect in Cabbage however on exporting as midi effect and bringing into ableton as a vst, ableton picks the midi effect up as an audio unit an not a midi effect. Am I doing something wrong in the way I am exporting?

As in the midi arp should come in front of the operator unit so it can feed midi information into it.

  1. I am also trying to make a basic chord maker using midi and cannot get my head around it at all. Any ideas on how to go about it would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

I don’t have access Live at the moment but I will try with Reaper when I get a chance. Leave it with me. Might be a few days as I’m currently travelling around a bit.

Hi @CabbageCrazy, are you using the latest version of Cabbage 2? If not go here and grab yourself an installer.

I managed to get hold of a machine with Live and was able to try out some things. I couldn’t get Iain’s MIDI effects to work, but it could well be a user error on my part. I did however dig up a simple MIDI arpeggiator I wrote some time back for a student. I’ve attached it here.MidiArpSimple.csd (755 Bytes)
I can’t say why your instrument doesn’t work without seeing the source code, but it might be that your CsOptions were not set correctly, you have to use -Q when you wish to output MIDI. Anyhow, once you have placed the MIDI effect on a track in Live you just need to make sure your receive notes from that track in the synths you have. Below is a screenshot of a simple Live session that has an arpeggiator on track one, and a synth on track 2. The notes from the arpeggiator are being fed to the RingMod synth. It all appears to work fine for me in my simple tests. Let me know if it works Ok for you. Feel free to modify the version I’ve attached to suit your own needs.

Hey Rory!

Fantastic great idea setting ableton up like that will definitely work its something I completely overlooked. Later tonight I will take a look at your arp and cabbage 2.

Thank you for all the info and time spent getting back truely a gent. Thanks again!!