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More feeds about Cabbage (resolved)


I pointed to other things:

  • numberbox is not indicated in the manual;
  • it’s possible to change the background color in all the words similar at the word that I selected (image 001)?
  • when it opens an instrument that has presets, the first preset is not loaded, even if it is shown in the combobox;
  • the manual does not open properly even when the selected opcode is written attached to another character (image 002);
  • it’s possible to add the auto completion of the Cabbage and Csound opcodes (with arguments) (image 003);
  • it’s possible to add one led “MIDI activity” to the left of the button “Options”?

Many thanks!



  • In my build the first preset is being loaded correctly. Aren’t you using an old version?
  • Personally I’m not a big fan of auto completion. Could we vote on that one?
  • I’ll add a minor one. The About dialog from the Options menu displays the wrong version number and still points to I think keeping this version number up to date is important for troubleshooting on someone else’s computer.


  • all the Instruments with presets have this problem;
  • if you’re not a fan of auto completion, simply, disables this function;
  • Rory know that I use the x64 1.0.02 version for Windows… (the version number is wrong?) :flushed:

thanks again for your instruments…


another windows problem?

The Cabbage widgets are hidden if I insert /* and */ comments after the initial <-Cabbage> Tag :wink:


  • No, sorry. I meant if you were using an old version of Cabbage. Because I can’t replicate the presets problem you have. For example, if I run one of my synths the Violin preset is indeed correctly auto-loaded.
  • Auto-completion: Absolutely fine with me if you could disable the feature.
  • If you go to the Options menu and the click on About: Does it say v1.0.02 in the title of the dialog window?

Sure man, it’s a pleasure to share!



my Options/About window:


So, I’m the one using an old version! :scream: I’m pretty sure I’m running v1.0 at least. I’ll clone the develop branch and check the presets problem.

edit: I can confirm presets are not loaded the first time you open an instrument. Probably something here:


no problem!

I like much your Harmonics interface! Thanks!


Thanks for the report guys. @gsenna, I made that change due to a long standing, but largely unnoticed, bug when saving of instrument states in DAWs. I’ll get it sorted.

@Codesound, I too am not a fan of auto complete in the way you describe it, because it usually involves deleting and retyping stuff. Even in the example you cited, one would have to delete a lot of text after adding it. I prefer to simply check the opcode parameter help that automatically shows each time an opcode is typed. On the other hand, I think a variable auto-complete might be a nice feature. For what it’s worth, I often find myself using another text editor to write my Cabbage instruments. Have you seen the ‘Use External Editor’ feature?

Finally, /**/ comments are not supported in the Cabbage section. I’ve added a note about this to the manual. I will sort the other issues when I get a chance. They should be relatively simple to do.

I’m surprised it worked before considering the code here:

Obvious laziness on my part! The good news is that it is now fixed in GIT. Tested in standalone and plugin mode, but I won’t be able to get around to building a Windows version until this weekend. I’ll try to sort those others issues before then too.


yes, I tried to use notepad ++ but I still have to get used to a new way of working.
the Cabbage editor is full of useful things:
the “syntax description” bar (for example…);
the direct connections to the manuals (very useful!);
operate directly with the Csound console without many operations and so on…

I set my notepad++ configuration but I prefer the Cabbage editor…
And I know that the version which will be fixed various bugs that are found, it will be really wonderful! I prefer to wait …

Thanks for all!


PS: for the auto-completion req. I think you and gsenna are right.
I think once we fixed the problems/req of “syntax description” bar, no longer needed the auto-completion req… :blush:

Didn’t it work before because: CabbagePluginAudioProcessorEditor::comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* combo) ?

Anyway, seems to work alright now. I’ll continue to test it with my synths.

Thank you very much Rory!

@gsenna, we may never know :wink: but hopefully it no longer matters. Let me know if you find any issues.

@Codesound, I’m glad you are sticking with the Cabbage editor because it’s forced me to improve it! What exactly is the problem with the opcode description bar? Btw, do you have a github account? I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be better to repot these little things as issues using the github issue tracker:


I do not have an account on github, but if it is more useful as well, I open one immediately…

the “problem/req” in the “opcode description bar”, is very stupid:

  • I wish you would update the Csound and Cabbage opcode displayed just by selecting it from the code [It would also be nice if you can just place the cursor in the opcode], so you do not have to go and see in the manual the various arguments; that’s why I continue to put stress on the use of the manuals. :v:

The only way I have to thank you, is to share my code … many thanks for your fantastic Cabbage!


Ah yes, that’s what you mean. This should be easy to do. The advantage of the github system is that it keeps a centralised list of things to be done, and you can also see when they have been fixed.

I’ve added an opcode help menu to the popup menu, I’ve fixed the issue with opcodes followed by : and other characters. I’ve not added the MIDI indicator. It’s something that can be coded in Csound, so I’m reluctant to add it to the standalone. I can prepare an example for the recipes section. I’m looking into the highlighting of several words at once, but currently it’s not supported in the JUCE code editor. Finally, I’ve added an auto-complete for variables(see below). Doing the same for the 1000+ opcodes in Csound might slow down the routine quite a lot, but I might try it at some point if I get a chance.


I’m sure you did a great job!

Many thanks for all,


I would like to add support for highlighting more than a single instance of the same word. It’s something I find quite useful in other editors. But we better be careful or the Cabbage editor may surpass other editors!

:joy: hahaha, it is true, you must be careful !

thanks, Rory


I managed to get this going. Double clicking on a word will highlight all instances of that word. It still needs testing but it should be ready for the next release. I’m going to mark this thread as resolved now :wink: