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OSC with CSound

Ok. thank you.
But which deb should I install. There are many deb’s for csound. And I would not compromise my system. So can you - pleace - be more precise and can you show me the right way.

I only ever build Csound myself on Linux, but I guess the details are found here:

Add deb sid main to sources.list and then run apt-get update. When you next try to install Csound using apt-get is should be the latest version.

Ok, there all good Informations. Such like “you should not install csound manually, you should it install by apt-gert”. But there are no Informations which I should do to install the osc-Oppcodes. And I not familiar with such thinks like " ass … to souces.list. But I’m very silly. And I’m very blind. So I hope you will be at this point longer my friend. And I will try to do what ever you say.