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Pre-release Cabbage 2 for testing - part 8

This is fixed now and pushed to git, but note when using string channel comboboxes:

  • value() should be passed the initial string value you want for the combobox, not the index.
  • channeltype() needs to be declared before the value() identifier. I’ve added notes about this in the docs.

Here’s an example:
combobox bounds(140, 30, 55, 12), channel("p_size"), channeltype("string"), items("256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096", "8192", "16384", "32768", "65536"), value("512"),
The issue here was that we were trying to set an initial numerical value as we do for regular comboboxes. This was initialising the channel as a numeric channel within Cabbage. Anyway, it should work fine now. Note that string channel comboboxes can’t be set using a native GUI in a plugin as VST plugin parameter don’t handle strings. They only work with normalised values between 0 and 1. Is this Ok @Oeyvind? Do you need to be able to change the values from your host’s native GUI? If so the best would be to create a regular combobox and a corresponding string array in Csound.

Hello all,
Here latest git version.

Hello Rory,
SOmehow, the changes made in cabbage code are killing the presets on windows. Checkbox state is not remember, combobox neither… and open/closed groupboxes neither.
Sorry for the bad news.

Better to get the bad news now rather than later! Thanks for checking. I’ll try to sort it asap.

I just reverted back to pre-string channel combobox. You can pull if you want a stable build. I will now try to address the string channel issue again. Hopefully this time I won’t mess up everything else!

Can you try the latest source in git? Hopefully it’s all well again…

unfortunately, no as a VST in Reaper. Preset are not recalled, soundifler not populated, etc…
I attach some screen capture to show what happens
Load the VST and populate it with wavshapes

Preset is saved and reaper track is saved as it is in the picture ( no groupbox other opened). Close reaper and reopen it :

and it is impossible to reload the preset : see below :

Thanks for checking. Can you try building this git commit and checking things?

I’m worried something else may have broken it, before I started looking for a fix to Oeyvind’s issue…

[edit] to checkout a previous commit simply grab the commit code and do
git checkout 2ebc8f83f01fd92ead5d875b573a4e691b97c66c
the above code will grab the commit I’m talking about. Sorry I don’t have time to check this out myself, I will have more free time this weekend…

Hi Rory,
i came back to previous version : somehow therer are problem with updating the VSt when reloading a preset, it also happens that the VST gives no sound at all. Weird :frowning:

:confused: hmm, I wonder when it got broken. I’ll take some time this weekend to fix it. Apologies for any inconvenience.

(Edit) my plugins are working but the preset system is not…

I just pushed some new code to git. It’s working again for me now here on Linux. Would you mind checking on Windows when you get a chance? Thanks :wink:


I was trying to build Cabbage on Windows. This is a new work laptop, and I don’t have access to Dropbox and I can’t download the binaries, so I was trying to build it.
I’ve installed Csound, it’s in the usual location: C:\Program Files\Csound6_x64
I’ve modified the buildCabbage64.bat file to point to JUCE
I’ve added the SDK’s to required location.
I have an installation of VS2017, so I modified the jucer projects to have a new Exporter for Visual Studio 2017

When I try to build, I keep getting this error quite a lot of times :
c:\users\axm562\git\cabbage2source\cabaiste\source\audio\plugins\CsoundPluginProcessor.h(24): fatal error C1083: Cannot
open include file: ‘csound.hpp’: No such file or directory (compiling source file …\Source\Application\CabbagePlug
inComponent.cpp) [C:\Users\axm562\git\Cabbage2Source\cabaiste\Builds\VisualStudio2017\Cabbage_App.vcxproj]

Any thoughts?

I use VS2017 but as VS2015.
For rebuilding cabbage IDE, you have to remove the reference to audio_plugin_client in CabbageIDE.jucer.
I attach the bat file I use for compiling.

buildCabbage64JM.bat.txt (1.4 KB)

Thanks for the reply. I can’t see any difference between this build file and the one that is on git. I’ve only had to change the location to my JUCE folder, which is here for me: (downloaded binaries from the JUCE site)

I removed audio_plugin_client module. Still no luck, Same errors persist. I kinda think it’s not able to pick up my Csound installation.

Can you try to use the VS 2015 compatibility of VS2017 ?

Your path should point to the location of Producer.exe

Well, this is where my Projucer.exe resides:

Also, when I open open up Cabbage.sln on VS2017, I find there are a few compilation errors when I try to build them.

Maybe you show us the compilation errors?

Well, there are loads of them, I might have some configuration wrong

I had lots of trouble at the beginning for compiling.
This was related to “non standard” places I had set up my libraries.
Somehow, JUCE ignored what I was telling it to find Csound, and Steinberg includes.

Now ASIO and VST SDK are under

and Csound is under program file.

I use home build PROJUCER JUCE 5.0.2 (which is not the latest version of juce).

Hope this helps