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Third Csound-Cabbage Course at Instituto Orson Welles Lima-Peru

Hello Csounders and cabbage farmers.
Is my pleasure introduce to you this novice csounders and their first classroom products for your enjoy.
All synths had been created with the subtractive approach: Oscillator - Filter - Amplifier:

  • FM Simple
  • Additive Synthesis
  • WaveTable synthesis
    Thanks to: Delgado_Aaron, Jaramillo_Cesar, Kahil_Ovi, Ocola_Mauricio, Olivera_John, Terukina_Marcelo

Thanks to Rory, Iain, Rajmil Fischman: Their videos were very brain-activating stuff
Please Feel free to give your opinion, advice and propose improvements

Next course on march 2019


Julio Benavides
Computer Music Teacher
Instituto Orson Welles

Additive_Aaron (3.0 KB)
FM - John Olivera (2.5 KB)
FM - Marcelo (2.6 KB)
WAVETABLE - Abraham (2.9 KB)

These are great. Are they really the first things they created? That’s pretty impressive! I look forward to seeing what they come up with next!

Yes. Too much patience.
You know that the learning curve is slow, however I have used my teaching method based on pre-written code modules.
All students know the use of subtractive, FM and additive synthesizers, hardware and software. But they are novices in programming.

Either way, it’s still pretty darn good! I think the teacher should take a bow!


Yes, this looks like a really nice teaching approach, allowing students to create complex instrument very quickly.
Great instruments, they all work well so I’ve no suggestions!