0dBFS level = 32768.0 --Csound version 6.10 (double samples) 2018-01-27 [commit: none] libsndfile-1.0.28 UnifiedCSD: oscilBank_v2.csd STARTING FILE Creating options Creating orchestra closing tag Creating score rtaudio: ALSA module enabled rtmidi: ALSA Raw MIDI module enabled Elapsed time at end of orchestra compile: real: 0.002s, CPU: 0.002s sorting score ... ... done Elapsed time at end of score sort: real: 0.002s, CPU: 0.002s graphics suppressed, ascii substituted 0dBFS level = 1.0 WARNING: Seeding from current time 2605687142 orch now loaded audio buffered in 256 sample-frame blocks ALSA output: total buffer size: 1024, period size: 256 writing 512 sample blks of 64-bit floats to dac SECTION 1: ftable 4: ftable 4: 4096 points, scalemax 1.000 .-'''-_ _' - . '_ . . _ . . ' - - - __ . - _.'' '-. _________________________'______________.-_________'.__________________________ - .' - '-_ _.-' '_ ' ''' _ - _ . . _ . - ' - _' '. . -.___.- new alloc for instr 2: PERF ERROR in instr 2 (opcode OscBank): OscBank: not initialised aOscBankSig OscBank #i4 #k5 iNum iCount 0 note aborted csound command: Segmentation fault inactive allocs returned to freespace end of score. overall amps: 0.00000 0.00000 overall samples out of range: 0 0 1 errors in performance Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 0.260s, CPU: 0.007s 0 512 sample blks of 64-bit floats written to dac