#!/bin/bash echo "===========================================" echo "======== Build Script for Cabbage =========" echo "===========================================" echo "In order to build Cabbage you will need to have Csound installed, and" echo "the Projucer from version 5.0 of JUCE built and installed." echo "This scripts assumes that Csound is installed in the default location, i.e, includes files" echo "should be located in /user/local/include/csound while the Csound library itself should be" echo "located in /user/local/lib " echo "It is also assumes that the VST SDK is located in ~/SDKs/" echo "" if [ $1 == "debug" ]; then echo "Hello debug" ../../../JUCE/extras/Projucer/Builds/LinuxMakefile/build/Projucer --resave ../../CabbageIDE.jucer mv Makefile MakeCabbageIDE make -f MakeCabbageIDE clean make -f MakeCabbageIDE -j6 cp ./build/Cabbage /usr/bin/Cabbage else #release mode default ../../../JUCE/extras/Projucer/Builds/LinuxMakefile/build/Projucer --resave ../../CabbageIDE.jucer mv Makefile MakeCabbageIDE echo "$(tput bold)Building CabbageIDE…$(tput sgr0)" fi