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Building cabbage on Linux 64 bit


i just built cabbage for linux 64 and i get a few errors regarding the

cp: cannot stat ‘./build/’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘./build/’: No such file or directory

im on ubuntu 16 and i donwloaded the SDK and named it ~/SDKs/vstsdk2.4 with some hopes of it playing nice, any tips for me?

You shouldn’t have to rename the Sdk at all. If you look at the linux Travis script it shows all the working steps needed to build for Linux.

where is that located?
i will gladly do it over!!

i followed this


The following are dependencies you may need:

sudo apt-get -y install libfreetype6-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libx11-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libxinerama-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libxcursor-dev
sudo apt-get -y install mesa-common-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libasound2-dev
sudo apt-get -y install freeglut3-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libxcomposite-dev
sudo apt-get install csound
sudo apt-get install libcsound64-dev
sudo apt-get install libcsnd-dev
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1-dev
sudo apt-get install libjack-dev

Please make sure that the version of Csound you use is 6.03 or newer, otherwise you will get build problems. You’ll also need to have the VST SDK.

If you are having problems viewing fonts you should get the following package:

sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts


You will need to install gibook to build the Docs. It can be installed from NPM using:

npm install gitbook-cli -g

Once installed, cd to the Docs/ folder and run the following commands:

gitbook init
gitbook build

The manual will be built in folder called _book. The buildCabbage script(see below) will look for this folder when it builds and installs the full package.

Compiling Cabbage

To build run the following command from the Linux directory:

./buildCabbage [custom paths]

Running this script without any input parameters will build with default paths, i.e:
Csound include: "/usr/local/include/csound
Csound library: "/usr/local/lib
VST SDK: “~/SDKs/vstsdk2.4”

Or if you’ve downloaded the VST3 SDK you should do something like ‘foo/bar/VST3\ SDK’ so as to avoid problems with the space in the folder name.
You can also simply rename the VST3 folder so that it doesn’t contain and spaces.

If you wish to use custom paths please pass them to the buildCabbage script in this order:
“csound include” “csound library” “vst sdk”

Examples usuage with custom paths:

./buildCabbage “/usr/local/csound” “/usr/lib” “~/VST_SDK”

buildCabbage will create a CabbageBuild directory that will contain everything you need to run Cabbage. It will also install Cabbage to the system menu through the use of a .desktop file. Please run Cabbage from the system menu in order to ensure that all examples and documentation are found
when using Cabbage. Some users have reported issues when running Cabbage directly from the build directory.

do i need to have teh SDK “installed” i am ignorant to the VST but i would love to be able to export LV2or DSSI/VST if possible

fatal error: public.sdk/source/vst2.x/audioeffectx.h: No such file or directory
#include <public.sdk/source/vst2.x/audioeffectx.h>

i get this a few times in the build which is what i suspect s the problem


i think i found what i was doing wrong
i was installing without custom locations and it was looking in ~/rory for a few of them

I provided a link to the Travis script in my last post. I think you are using the wrong source. Try this repo:

perhaps i did something wrong but i grabbed the cabage _old and use the
./buildCabbage script and everything works perfect
i tried building from the repo you sent and it fails rather quickly

Perhaps i do not grasp the Travis script properly but reading the doc in the files got me a working [rather nice version] working with jack @96khz

reading through that travis.yml
is there a way to build cabbage w/o it breaking the old one?


As far I know, you can test your new build from its directory without installing it.
Hope this helps

Building Cabbage doesn’t really install it anyway, it just creates a new folder within your Builds directory and builds some shortcuts. You can easily use both if you clone each repo into it’s own directory. The question is however, why would you choose to use the old version? I’ve been trying to make sure everything that worked in the old version works the same in the new version. Note however that Cabbage is now case sensitive. All identifiers, and widgets are spelled with lowercase letters.

certainly not choosing to but i could not build the new version it kept failing immediately and also it seems break the working version

i will try again if you can point me to I’ll certainly give it all my attention


Can you give details of how it fails? Does it compile, his are you launching it, what audio drivers are you using, etc. I use Linux all the time and have both versions running here without an issue.

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