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Cabbage export for FMOD

Hi everyone,

I am having some trouble with exporting my cabbage project with the inbuild fmod exporter. in cabbage a small tone generator works. but when i hit on Export as fmod sound plugin, nothing, but really nothing happen :slight_smile: what can it be?
im using win 7, 64 bit. My cabbage is the latest release also 64 bit. csound is working fine, also cabbage in general, just that bugger of an exporter making me headache i dont get the dll out of it. making a real VST plugin is working, but i guess that isnt working in fmod? :slight_smile:

Looks like the latest installer doesn’t have the fmod plugin. I’ve just pushed a change through to remedy this. In the meantime, you can download the dll from here, place it into the Cabbage root dir, where Cabbage.exe is located, and then go about exporting as usual. I just tested here and it exported fine. I’m going to check it out in Unity/FMOD when I get a chance.

hi :slight_smile: thanks for the reply

i downloaded that dll and placed it in the folder where the exe of cabbage is, right ? i have done that too but it still not working. nothing happens if i try to export as FMOD plugin. it must be something else i am missing, probably somethng more easy oor stupid :slight_smile:

Can you try this version of Cabbage. It now ships with the dll you need and should export fine. Let me know if it works. Cheers.

hey, thank you for fixing that, that version works fine :slight_smile: i will try out more after work. have a nice day :wink: