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I’d like to stoke your fires a little, you can look at udemy or skillshare or any sites on courses. You will see crazy numbers for students that bought those courses.
Now I’m familiar to know when theirs an open market, grab it fast and become the authority of it before someone else does, because in the future the market will be saturated. And its too late at that point.

Doesn’t matter where I look Csound or Cabbage has a dynamic potential and a gigantic market that is unfulfilled. If music artists like me found out the secret sauce to awesome plugins that we can see are going at crazy prices.

Was sat right here how fast can you see artists pilling through this door. Many years I searched for this hidden secret, I like many only found flowstone and synthedit as good as they’re those programs did nothing for me.

You sit on a phenomenal skill with potential market all it would take is a few video courses or one you put on Udemy or some place for students to buy and less than a year your right in the driving seat and so is Cabbage, cabbage becomes a main player.

Time is never a reason to let an opportunity pass, I found that out when I wrote books and then had no time for audio versions until I had no choice to record, to later find out it took no time or effort so I did more.
I just hope if you hear me on this.

If I had your knowledge in this field, I would not waste time I would turn a dream into an empire until I was sat sunning on a beach 24/7 whilst my empire took care of itself. Money isn’t the meaning of life yet sunning on a beach 24/7 having fun “Joy” sure is the meaning of life.

You’re a lucky man in a great position.
I hope you hear me if not you, then someone else picks this up fast before I decide to go 24/7 learning mode haha

Yes i’m very much a dreamer yet any dream i ever see in my past that had big potential became my reality, that’s how i know what i’m saying is open season. Stage is yours Rory for the taking.
Salute you man whatever you decide


It’s a good idea. Leave it with me. I’ll take a look at how to do this. I have enough teaching material built up over the years that this shouldn’t be too much work… :thinking: I hope!


you’re the man for this, and how to do
try this concept the very one i used to write my first book someone asked me a question i filled in the blanks for every question until i had a chapter.
that one led to writing 8 more books without this concept.

This forum has many questions to start from would be one approach yet needs structure so, another idea is take 5 effect and 5 synth plugins and build them from scratch start to finish for each project nothing fancy, basic is a cool place for others to learn from grasping the concept.

i wrote a free pdf guide how to write a book using this concept if you want i can send it, same principle can be applied to almost anything
Hope that helps

I think for now I’ll just create a short one hour course for people beginning with Csound. If anyone finds that useful I’ll start creating more content :+1:


any updates on this subject, i’ve only been gone a short time and tons of post, i’m sure tutorial series would ease that load a lot :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m committed to producing more video tutorials. But my time is pretty limited at the moment…it’ll be a few weeks before I get around to this. Hang tight!

is cabbage the same as c++

Cabbage isn’t even a programming language. Have a read of the docs for more info.

that’s interesting, so are you saying we can build something without even touching the code view window, if so how and where

ignore my last comment i’ve worked out a way to understand faster by placing notes so i can understand whats where

i can understand visually what’s, what, code is like looking for a needle in a haystack when your starting out haha

Yes, so all that code relates to where and how the widgets appear in the plugin window. The next thing to do is to write the Csound and connect all the widgets to it using chnget opcodes. I can’t see from the screenshot, but I assume each widget has a channel() identifier set? Make sure you use the same channel name you defined in the Cabbage section of code when you use chnget. check out the firstsynth example and see how the values of the adsr sliders are retrieved in the Csound code.