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Cabbage1.1.0x64 on Windows: inflateReset2 for libpng16-16.dll entry point (fixed)


I installed the Cabbage64CanonicalSetup1.1.0 (and latest Csound) or Cabbage64Setup1.1.0 but in both cases one warning message appear when I open it:

“Can not find the entry point inflateReset2 the procedure in the dynamic link library …\bin\libpng16-16.dll”

what can it be?


That’s odd. You can try removing the libpng file from the Csound dir. I haven’t noticed this issue myself, but I will check it out.


I’m sorry for my slow response but last month I’ve been really busy.
I tried to re-install few times Cabbage64CanonicalSetup1.1.0 and Setup_Csound6_x64_6.07.0rc4 but when I start or restart Cabbage the same message described above appears. I re-install Windows but, … same problem. Many and many csd crashes Cabbage…
I removed the libpng16-16.dll to the Csound dir and now Cabbage work but one new noiously message appears every time I start or restart it…

You can help you to know that the desktop shortcut does not appear with the correct icon? (image 001)

It makes sense to also install the csound manual (Canonical vrs) and choose of install the “Core components”?

Many and many thanks for all, Rory,


What’s the noisy message that appears each time you start?? I too have been incredibly busy for the past few weeks. Haven’t had much Cabbage time at all!

I will try building the latest Cabbage against the very latest Csound now and post an update. Perhaps something changed in the Csound package for Windows.


the new message is “missing libpng16-16.dll. Reinstall the software”, but Cabbage it works equally when I click on the “OK” button…

Thanks again


I’ve just updated the canonical installer. Can you try it, along with the very latest Csound for Windows available on sourceforge? It works here without issue. I hope it will for you too.


Setup_Csound6_x64_6.07.0rc6 and Cabbage64CanonicalSetup1.1.0 work!! :blush:

Many thanks for all, Rory,


That’s great. There is a release of Csound planned soon so I will rebuild then.