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Csound output not printing when identchannel used

There is a problem with the csoundputput widget that seems to be related to using identchannel to set the text of a Cabbbage text widget. If we use the identchannel to set the text, then the console will stop printing.
Commenting out the line
chnset Sport, “port_id”
will allow csoundputput to print.

Here’s the csd:

form size(410, 150), caption("VST_MIDIator"), pluginID("vmid")
;image bounds(0, 0, 863, 810),  shape("sharp"), colour(5,15,20)
label text("port"), bounds(10, 10, 80, 12), identchannel("port_id")

csoundoutput bounds(10, 30, 390, 120), text("Output")

-n -d 

	ksmps = 64
	nchnls = 2
	0dbfs = 1

        instr 3
        iport = 123456
	gkhandle = 1
	Sport  sprintf {{text("port %i")}}, iport
                chnset Sport, "port_id"

i3	0.1	600

I think I have a fix for this. But I’m currently without a dev environment on OSX until I can get Xcode back up and running. I updated to 10.12 and the Xcode verification process is taking forever…