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How can i load files usinf SFDIR?

I’m trying to use SFDIR to load sound files without using filebutton to load them. I just need them to be loaded once i run the plug-in.

Just use actual file names then?

‘loaded’ is a bit ambiguous. What exactly do you mean, loaded from disk, loaded to a function table, loaded to a soundfiler widget?

I need them to be loaded from an specific folder into a function table (like if there was a loadbang loading the files automatically). Actually i don’t know how to call an audio file form a function table to play it. I was trying to understand the ftsamplebank example but i don’t know how it plays the files from the keyboard. Can i use an rslider and a button to select the audio that i want to play from de function table?

Is the function table like a pollybuffer?. I used MAX/MSP before. I’m just trying to understand the language, but it’s not been easy to me.
