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How to create a similar synth to HG Fortune's ones

Hello All,

Maybe some of you may know the work of HG Fortune who unfortunately passed away. He made amazingly sounding vst synths which are now in public domain. I know that he used synthedit for a lot of them.
But I was wondering if someone knows what kind of technology he used (I suspect wave tables… but with which waves form and how to create these ?)… I’d like to try to recreate something like these with csound. Should be possible, shouldn’t it ?

Thank you for help.

Do you have a link to the source code?

unfortunately, there is no source code available, only dll
All the synths are available as nearly forgotten gems

Too bad, I thought they had been open sourced. If you can make a few short sound samples maybe people might be able to tell what synthesis techniques he may have used?

there are many samples on the webpage.

Whoops, my bad! You might also try adding on the main Csound list? There are some great sound designers there. Check for making list details. :+1: