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Hello, I am installing Cabbage for the first time on my Imac, while I have already installed Csound 6.06.
I guess this last version of Cabbage has in it Csound 6.08 or Csound 6.09.
Do I just install the whole package of Cabbage? will it automatically substitute the older version of Csound I already have?
Thank you

If you choose to install Csound the installer will most likely overwrite your older version. Note Cabbage won’t run with 6.06. What version of OSX are you using? I can’t think of any reason why you may wish to stick with Csound 6.06?

p.s. the latest version of Cabbage comes with 6.10, which isn’t yet released. Consider it a sneak preview :wink:

Thank you. I am working on Mac Os 10.11. I haven’t any reason to stick with Csound 6.06. I am going to firstly install Csound 6.10, cause I also need Csound Qt, and then Cabbage, avoiding a new installation of the Csound version included in the package.

Sounds like the best plan. Not that the latest OSX package from here, comes in the form of file. it doesn’t have any Csound with it, so there shouldn’t be any problems. you can simply unzip the archive and start using Cabbage straight out of the box. Let us know if you have any issues.