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Is it possible to implement phase modulation with poscil family?

Hello all,

Somehow, everything is in the subject.
I’d like to do something like with a GEN01 table 9the following does not work as poscil only accepts iPhase :

giTable ftgen ....."myFile.wav"  ; the table being generated within an instrument and not at init time

kPhase lfo kamp,kFreq
aSound  poscil kAmp,kCps,giTable, kPhase

I would not like to use vco2 and vco2init as the doc in Csound manual is totally incomprehensible (sorry to say that but I spent hours trying to understand what the authors meant and I ended up with errors… I feel terribly stupid now ).

I think you are better off using a table opcode and controlling the phase of it yourself. Check out the example lower down this page:
There are also some code examples and explanations in the following book: