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Many thanks for latest update 1.0.03 … :wink:

The ‘libwinpthread-1.dll’ Notice that appears at Cabbage startup, what is it?


Ouch. It’s a pain in the ass caused by changes to how Csound is building. I might take down the link to the latest windows build until I fix this. Apologies for the inconvenience.

[edit] Can you try removing osc.dll from the Cabbage directory and see if that helps?


I removed the osc.dll and now works!
Thanks again for all…


But we want osc.dll so this is only an interim workaround. I’m, looking into it.

Can you try the latest version I just uploaded? It ships with libwinpthread-1.dll now, although I wish to remove this dependency in the future.


this latest update (1.0.04) is very beautiful! Many bugs fixed and many requests are reality!
{your editor becomes very competitive… :wink: }

Many thanks Rory! You work very fine!


The new selecting of all matching words still needs work. I’m still working on it.


in fact, they are selected only certain words. I have selected the last kamp6, but as you see, the first not. (take your time…)

Many thanks!


Hello Rory,
I have just installed cabbage 32bits 1.1.0 in my old laptop.
In this version the The ‘libwinpthread-1.dll’ Notice appears again.
I removed the osc.dll and it works, but I would like to know what about open sound control services…


I’ll hake to take a look. But it will be a while before I get around to it as I’m up to my neck in work at the moment :pensive: