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Loading plugins into a plugin

Hi there.
I know Csound used to have vst4cs, which has been limited to binaries distributed by M Gogins. Is there another way for Cabbage to act as host and plugin simultaneously? The vst4cs opcodes have been removed from Csound because Steinberg insisted. I suspect that means old versions as well.
I don’t really want to design a plugin of my own. I want users of my program to be able to choose from their own plugins, open one, and internally my plugin creates multiple instances of it, while the user only interacts with one instance through the existing GUI.
I know Csound well enough to code any of this within it. I just can’t tell if Cabbage has any extra VST-hosting abilities I haven’t come across.
Thank you!

Hi Chuckk. I’m afraid Cabbage itself has no way of hosting VST plugins in Csound. But I will add support for 3rd party VSTs soon. Even then however, you’ll simply route them between instances of Csound plugins using the patcher. So if you want to process audio coming from a VST plugin you’ll need to connect it to a Cabbage plugin node.

Het @ChuckkH. I just finished implementing this. It will be in the next release. What OS are you using?

Hi Rory. That is great, though I don’t yet follow the exact process.
It sounds like this means I could use a 3rd-party plugin by including it in a Cabbage plugin, so that the Cabbage-exported plugin will depend on the original one, but I’d have to do it individually for each 3rd-party plugin? That would still be very useful.

No, I’m afraid you won’t be able to do any VST hosting directly in a Cabbage instrument. But you can chain a Cabbage instrument to a VST and vice versa. For example you could route a Csound/Cabbage instrument to a VST plugin and then pass that to another Csound instrument. You could also control a VST plugin from a Cabbage instrument using MIDI, but you can’t access a VST plugin directly in your Cabbage/Csound code. I’m not sure if this is any good to you?