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Sudden Edit Mode Issue

Hi Rory & Co.

I have a bit of an issue that has just cropped up.

In edit mode, all of a sudden when I click on any slider, the highlighted text in the cabbage file does not correspond that that particular slider. It instead highlights the text of an unrelated slider. An image of what I’m talking about is included. See how the ‘High Gain’ slider is selected, but the text relating to the low gain is highlighted in the code?

I have gone back to older projects that I know were working perfectly and the same issue is present in those also.

What I have tried is deleting the current cabbage program and download the latest one. The issue prevails.

Edit: I should also mention that Cabbage is crashing quite a bit since I noticed that issue also. Not sure to any errors in code it seems, just at random times and quite frequently.

Perhaps there’s some hidden files or some kind of cache I should delete also?

Any help would be much appreciated, as ever:)




It is been set the same position for ‘High Gain’ and ‘Low Gain’ (bounds(88,74,70,70 for both), is correct?


This is indicative of an issue with your tags. Make sure your Cabbage code is wrapped in those tags as usual. If it is not, Cabbage will not know which line it needs to highlight. I made some changes recently to allow comments to be put in above the Cabbage section in the .csd file. Maybe the compiler is now noticing a problem with your earlier files too. Can you send me one of the files that is not working so I can check here? Thanks.

I think this was the result of GUI editor. Sometimes when it’s confused it makes mistakes. A lot like its creator. :smile:

Yes, it has the same coordinates, as you see in the picture. The code seems to have jumbled up a bit and moved sliders on top of one another.

For the moment I just went back to an old file and transferred the extra bits of code I need over piece by piece and it is working fine for the time being.

It’s probably something I’ve done to it. I’ll send on a file when I get a chance.

Thanks for getting back Rory.

That seems to confirm it was related to the tags not being present. I’ve had this happen to me in the past and it’s caused a lot of hair pulling and head scratching. I will add some extra checks in the Cabbage compiler to make sure all tags are present before allowing people to edit stuff in edit mode.

Cool, thanks again. What is a tag?.. just so I know for the future.

Good question. It’s a type of xml markup. Anything marked with <> is a tag. is a tag. The text files we use for Cabbage have different sections marked by tags. Each needs to be present or the compiler gets confused, especially when the and tags are missing.

Understood. Thanks for that!