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Changing outline color of filebutton and optionbutton

Hmm - 2.9.38?
This still doesn’t change the colour of the optionbutton for me… maybe i’m doing something wrong :thinking:

cabbageSet metro(20), "Button1", sprintfk("outlineColour(%i,250,250)", 40)

My bad, it’s fixed now…

Got it — yep it’s fixed…
looks like maybe trackerBackgroundColour isn’t working either…
just doing a deep dive here into the widget attributes because I’m working with dynamically being able to change the color scheme of Lore.

cabbageSet metro(20), "Slider1", sprintfk("trackerBackgroundColour(%i,0,0)", 0)

Also possibly with signalDisplay?

signaldisplay bounds(17, 20, 400, 70), displayType("spectrogram"), backgroundColour(120,120,120), channel("display"), zoom(-1), signalVariable("afftOutL"), skew(0.5)

-n -d
; Initialize the global variables. 
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

instr 1
    cabbageSet metro(20), "display", sprintfk("backgroundColour(%i,0,0)", 250)

I just pushed a fix for these, but didn’t have time to test yet. Please let me know if the issue is resolved. I’m sure you’ll probably find a few more :rofl:

Looks like the OSX version didn’t quite make it? Or is it still in progress?
The operation was canceled. macOS • Building...

Also combobox with mode(resize) … not a big deal but it doesn’t respond to cabbageSet as the others

Yeah, this one is an outlier. It doesn’t communicate with Csound at all, so these things can be updated at runtime. It would be tricky to add this. I’ve retriggered the Mac build. Not sure what happened there.

All looks good. Thanks Rory!

oh would you push a pro version when you can?