Sure. Anything goes, apart from ‘;’ which is use to denote the start of a comment. I recently got caught out with that on myself!
[CLOSED] How to append presets
awesome , that was a relief
I just took a look into this, and remember now why presets can’t handle white spaces in channel names; because XML doesn’t support white spaces in attributes. I just took a long look through some efforts I made a resolving this, but they each caused further issues. I think the best thing might be to move away from XML and use JSON or YAML instead. In fact, I could probably just use my own system considering it’s only ever Cabbage that will be reading or writing them. On the other hand, I don’t want to break any existing preset files.
unfortunately the problem seems to go deeper than that, I changed everything from spaces to underscores, still does not work
I link the csd here to test it yourself
#define LAYER1_COLOR colour(61, 106, 73, 255)
#define LAYER2_COLOR colour(100, 50, 50, 255)
form caption("LazerHawk") size(800, 800), colour(100, 100, 182), pluginid("LH001")
keyboard bounds(0, 700, 800, 100)
image bounds(2, 0, 800, 60), colour(153, 153, 255, 255) outlinecolour(192, 18, 18, 255),plant("Header"){
label bounds(0, 5, 200, 20), text("LazerHawk v0.01"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
image bounds(2, 60, 800, 40), colour(100, 100, 255, 255) outlinecolour(192, 18, 18, 255),plant("Timbres"){
button bounds(0, 10, 60, 30), value(1), colour:1(0, 155, 0, 255), colour:0(155,0,0,255), channel("Timbre1"),identchannel("ID_Timbre1"), text("timbre 1")
image bounds(0, 100, 800, 200), $LAYER1_COLOR ,channel("Layer1"), identchannel("ID_Layer1"), plant("layer1plant"){
groupbox bounds(0,0,200,200), $LAYER1_COLOR, text("Sound Generator 1"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(0, 5, 200, 20), text("Sound Generator 1"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
combobox bounds(2, 25, 100, 25), items("sine" , "saw", "square", "triangle"), channel("SG1_Wav"),colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(100, 25, 50, 50), text("PWM"),channel("SG1_PWM"), range(0.01, 0.99, .01, 1, 0.001),identchannel("ID_SG1_PWM"), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 25, 50, 50), text("Phase"), channel("SG1_Phase"), range(0.01, 0.99, .01, 1, 0.001), identchannel("ID_SG1_Phase")textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 70, 50, 50), text("Noise"), channel("SG1_Noise_Volume"), range(0.001, 0.99, .001, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(2,120,196,80), $LAYER1_COLOR, text("Amp Envelope"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(0, 120, 190, 20), text("Amp Envelope"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), text("A"), channel("SG1_Env_Amp_A"), range(0.001, 3, .01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), text("D"), channel("SG1_Env_Amp_D"), range(0.02, 3, 2, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(100, 25, 50, 50),text("S"), channel("SG1_Env_Amp_S"), range(0.02, .99, .99, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 25, 50, 50),text("R"), channel("SG1_Env_Amp_R"), range(0.1, 3, .01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(200,0,200,200), $LAYER1_COLOR, text("RM"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(210, 5, 190, 20), text("AM"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), text("Freq"), channel("SG1_RM_Frequency"), range(1, 8000, 1, .5, 1), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), text("Vol"), channel("SG1_RM_Volume"), range(0.001, 1, 0.01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
combobox bounds(4, 75, 96, 25),items("ring" , "am", "chaos", "frozen"), channel("SG1_AM_Type"),colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
label bounds(4, 105, 50, 11),text("AM Type"), $LAYER1_COLOR, fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
combobox bounds(100, 75, 98, 25),items("sine" , "saw", "square", "triangle"), channel("SG1_AM_Wav"),colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
label bounds(100, 105, 50, 11),text("AM Wav"), $LAYER1_COLOR, fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
;label bounds(0, 120, 190, 20), text("Ring Amp Envelope"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
groupbox bounds(2,120,196,78), $LAYER1_COLOR, text("RM Envelope"), fontcolour("black"){
rslider bounds(0, 30, 50, 50), text("A"), channel("SG1_Env_RM_A"), range(0.001, 3, .01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 30, 50, 50), text("D"), channel("SG1_Env_RM_D"), range(0.02, 3, 2, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(100, 30, 50, 50), text("S"), channel("SG1_Env_RM_S"), range(0.02, .99, .99, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 30, 50, 50), text("R"), channel("SG1_Env_RM_R"), range(0.02, 3, 12, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(400,0,100,100), $LAYER1_COLOR, text("Filter HP"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(410, 5, 90, 20), text("Filter HP"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), text("Freq"), channel("SG1_High_Pass_Frequency"), range(100, 16000, 100, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), text("Reas"), channel("SG1_High_Pass_Reasonance"), range(1, 200, 1, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(500,0,100,100), $LAYER1_COLOR, text("Filter LP"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(0, 5, 90, 20), text("Filter LP"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), text("Freq"), channel("SG1_Low_Pass_Frequency"), range(100, 16000, 16000, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), text("Reas"), channel("SG1_Low_Pass_Reasonance"), range(0.01, 1, 0, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(400,100,200,100), $LAYER1_COLOR, text("Filter Envelope"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(400, 120, 190, 20), text("Filter Envelope"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 30, 50, 50), text("A"), channel("SG1_Env_Filters_A"), range(0.001, 3, .01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 30, 50, 50), text("D"), channel("SG1_Env_Filters_D"), range(0.02, 3, 2, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(100, 30, 50, 50), text("S"), channel("SG1_Env_Filters_S"), range(0.02, .99, .99, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 30, 50, 50), text("R"), channel("SG1_Env_Filters_R"), range(0.02, 3, 12, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
image bounds(0, 300, 800, 200), $LAYER2_COLOR ,channel("Layer2"), identchannel("ID_Layer2"), plant("layer2plant"){
groupbox bounds(0,0,200,200), $LAYER2_COLOR, text("Sound Generator 2"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(0, 5, 200, 20), text("Sound Generator 1"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
combobox bounds(2, 25, 100, 25), items("sine" , "saw", "square", "triangle"), channel("SG2_Wav"),colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(100, 25, 50, 50), text("PWM"),channel("SG2_PWM"), range(0.01, 0.99, .01, 1, 0.001),identchannel("ID_SG2_PWM"), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 25, 50, 50), text("Phase"), channel("SG2_Phase"), range(0.01, 0.99, .01, 1, 0.001), identchannel("ID_SG2_Phase")textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 70, 50, 50), text("Noise"), channel("SG2_Noise_Volume"), range(0.01, 0.99, .01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(2,120,196,80), $LAYER2_COLOR, text("Amp Envelope"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(0, 120, 190, 20), text("Amp Envelope"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), text("A"), channel("SG2_Env_Amp_A"), range(0.001, 3, .01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), text("D"), channel("SG2_Env_Amp_D"), range(0.02, 3, 2, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(100, 25, 50, 50),text("S"), channel("SG2_Env_Amp_S"), range(0.02, .99, .99, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 25, 50, 50),text("R"), channel("SG2_Env_Amp_R"), range(0.1, 3, .01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(200,0,200,200), $LAYER2_COLOR, text("RM"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(210, 5, 190, 20), text("AM"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), text("Freq"), channel("SG2_RM_Frequency"), range(1, 8000, 1, .5, 1), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), text("Vol"), channel("SG2_RM_Volume"), range(0.001, 1, 0.01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
combobox bounds(4, 75, 96, 25),items("ring" , "am", "chaos", "frozen"), channel("SG2_AM_Type"),$LAYER2_COLOR, fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
label bounds(4, 105, 50, 11),text("AM Type"), $LAYER2_COLOR, fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
combobox bounds(100, 75, 98, 25),items("sine" , "saw", "square", "triangle"), channel("SG2_AM_Wav"),$LAYER2_COLOR, fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
label bounds(100, 105, 50, 11),text("AM Wav"), $LAYER2_COLOR, fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
;label bounds(0, 120, 190, 20), text("Ring Amp Envelope"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
groupbox bounds(2,120,196,78), $LAYER2_COLOR, text("RM_Envelope"), fontcolour("black"){
rslider bounds(0, 30, 50, 50), text("A"), channel("SG2_Env_RM_A"), range(0.001, 3, .01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 30, 50, 50), text("D"), channel("SG2_Env_RM_D"), range(0.02, 3, 2, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(100, 30, 50, 50), text("S"), channel("SG2_Env_RM_S"), range(0.02, .99, .99, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 30, 50, 50), text("R"), channel("SG2_Env_RM_R"), range(0.02, 3, 12, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(400,0,100,100), $LAYER2_COLOR, text("Filter HP"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(410, 5, 90, 20), text("Filter HP"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), text("Freq"), channel("SG2_High_Pass_Frequency"), range(100, 16000, 100, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), text("Reas"), channel("SG2_High_Pass_Reasonance"), range(1, 200, 1, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(500,0,100,100), $LAYER2_COLOR, text("Filter LP"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(0, 5, 90, 20), text("Filter LP"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), text("Freq"), channel("SG2_Low_Pass_Frequency"), range(100, 16000, 16000, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), text("Reas"), channel("SG2_Low_Pass_Reasonance"), range(0.01, 1, 0, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
groupbox bounds(400,100,200,100), $LAYER2_COLOR, text("Filter Envelope"), fontcolour("black"){
;label bounds(400, 120, 190, 20), text("Filter Envelope"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 30, 50, 50), text("A"), channel("SG2_Env_Filters_A"), range(0.001, 3, .01, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(50, 30, 50, 50), text("D"), channel("SG2_Env_Filters_D"), range(0.02, 3, 2, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(100, 30, 50, 50), text("S"), channel("SG2_Env_Filters_S"), range(0.02, .99, .99, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(150, 30, 50, 50), text("R"), channel("SG2_Env_Filters R"), range(0.02, 3, 12, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
image bounds(0, 500, 800, 100) colour(120, 69, 69, 255),plant("Master"){
label bounds(0, 0, 190, 20), text("General"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), text("Mix"), channel("SGMix"), range(0.0, 1, .5, 1, .01), textcolour(0,0,0)
;rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), trackerinsideradius(0.6), text("SG2"), channel("SG2 Amp"), range(0.0, .5, 0, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
label bounds(200, 0, 190, 20), text("Chorus"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
;rslider bounds(0, 25, 50, 50), trackerinsideradius(0.6), text("Mix"), channel("SGMix"), range(0.0, 1, .5, 1, .01), textcolour(0,0,0)
;rslider bounds(50, 25, 50, 50), trackerinsideradius(0.6), text("SG2"), channel("SG2 Amp"), range(0.0, .5, 0, 1, 0.001), textcolour(0,0,0)
label bounds(400, 0, 190, 20), text("Reverb"), colour(60, 60, 120, 122), fontcolour(0, 0, 0, 255)
rslider bounds(400, 25, 50, 50), text("Size"), channel("Master_Reverb_Size"), range(0.0, 1, 0, .5, .01), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(450, 25, 50, 50), text("Damp"), channel("Master_Reverb_Damp"), range(0.0, 1, 0, .5, .01), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(500, 25, 50, 50), text("Mix"), channel("Master_Reverb_Mix"), range(0.0, 1, 0, .5, .01), textcolour(0,0,0)
rslider bounds(550, 25, 50, 50), text("Level"), channel("Master_Reverb_Level"), range(0.0, 1, 0, .5, .01), textcolour(0,0,0)
combobox bounds(0, 30, 100, 25), populate("*.snaps")
filebutton bounds(116, 30, 60, 25), text("Save"), populate("*.snaps"), mode("snapshot")
button bounds(20, 104, 150, 14), value(1), colour:1(0, 155, 0, 255), colour:0(155,0,0,255), channel("SG1_on_off"),identchannel("ID_SG1_on_off"), text("Sound Generator 1"), fontcolour:0("black"), fontcolour:1("black")
-n -d -+rtmidi=NULL -M0 --midi-key-cps=4 --midi-velocity-amp=5
; Initialize the global variables.
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
seed 0
; =======================
; || OPCODES ||
; =======================
; =======================
; =======================
;cpuprc 1,99
;maxalloc 1,128
instr 1
; -----------------------
; | variable definition |
; -----------------------
; Waveform
iSG1wavStr chnget "SG1_Wav"
if iSG1wavStr == 1 then ;sine
chnset "active(0)", "ID_PWM"
iSG1wav = 0
elseif iSG1wavStr == 2 then ;saw
chnset "active(0)", "ID_PWM"
iSG1wav = 0
elseif iSG1wavStr == 3 then ;square
chnset "active(1)", "ID_PWM"
iSG1wav = 2
elseif iSG1wavStr == 4 then ;triangle
chnset "active(0)", "ID_PWM"
iSG1wav = 4
kSG1PWM chnget "SG1_PWM"
; Phase
kSG1Phase chnget "SG1_Phase"
; noise generator
kSG1NoiseVolume chnget "SG1_Noise_Volume"
; Amp Envelope
iSG1EnvAmpAttack chnget "SG1_Env_Amp_A"
iSG1EnvAmpDecay chnget "SG1_Env_Amp_D"
iSG1EnvAmpSustain chnget "SG1_Env_Amp_S"
iSG1EnvAmpRelease chnget "SG1_Env_Amp_R"
; Ring Modulator
kSG1RMFrequency chnget "SG1_RM_Frequency"
kSG1RMVolume chnget "SG1_RM_Volume"
; Ring Modulator Envelope
iSG1EnvRMAttack chnget "SG1_Env_RM_A"
iSG1EnvRMDecay chnget "SG1_Env_RM_D"
iSG1EnvRMSustain chnget "SG1_Env_RM_S"
iSG1EnvRMRelease chnget "SG1_Env_RM_R"
; Low Pass
kSG1FilterLpF chnget "SG1_Low_Pass_Frequency"
kSG1FilterLpR chnget "SG1_Low_Pass_Reasonance"
; High Pass
kSG1FilterHpF chnget "SG1_High_Pass_Frequency"
kSG1FilterHpR chnget "SG1_High_Pass_Reasonance"
; Filter Envelope
iSG1EnvFilterAttack chnget "SG1_Env_Filters_A"
iSG1EnvFilterDecay chnget "SG1_Env_Filters_D"
iSG1EnvFilterSustain chnget "SG1_Env_Filters_S"
iSG1EnvFilterRelease chnget "SG1_Env_Filters_R"
; ---------------------------
; | end variable definition |
; ---------------------------
; generate ring modulator sine
aSG1RMsine poscil kSG1RMVolume, kSG1RMFrequency, -1
iSG1EnvRMRelease limit iSG1EnvRMRelease , 0.001, iSG1EnvAmpRelease ; release cannot be longer than amp env release
kSG1EnvRM madsr iSG1EnvRMAttack, iSG1EnvRMDecay, iSG1EnvRMSustain, iSG1EnvRMRelease
aSG1RM = aSG1RMsine * kSG1EnvRM
; generate SG1 sound with envelope
kSG1EnvAmp madsr iSG1EnvAmpAttack, iSG1EnvAmpDecay, iSG1EnvAmpSustain, iSG1EnvAmpRelease
aSG1 vco2 p5*kSG1EnvAmp, p4, iSG1wav, kSG1PWM, kSG1Phase
; generate SG1 noise
aSG1Noise noise kSG1NoiseVolume, 0
aSG1Noise = aSG1Noise * kSG1EnvAmp
aSG1 = aSG1 + aSG1Noise
; apply ring modulation to SG1 sound
aSG1RMsound = (aSG1RM * aSG1)
aSG1 = (aSG1*(1-kSG1RMVolume))+aSG1RMsound
; apply LP and HP filter
iSG1EnvFilterRelease limit iSG1EnvFilterRelease , 0.001, iSG1EnvAmpRelease ; release cannot be longer than amp env release
kSG1EnvFilter madsr iSG1EnvFilterAttack, iSG1EnvFilterDecay, iSG1EnvFilterSustain, iSG1EnvFilterRelease
aSG1FLp moogladder aSG1,kSG1FilterLpF * kSG1EnvFilter,kSG1FilterLpR
aSG1FHp bqrez aSG1FLp, kSG1FilterHpF * kSG1EnvFilter, kSG1FilterHpR, 1
aSG1Output balance aSG1FHp, aSG1
; =======================
; =======================
; -----------------------
; | variable definition |
; -----------------------
;print p5
; Waveform
iSG2Wav chnget "SG2_Wav"
kSG2PWM chnget "SG2_PWM"
; Phase
kSG2Phase chnget "SG2_Phase"
; Amp Envelope
iSG2EnvAmpAttack chnget "SG2_Env_Amp_A"
iSG2EnvAmpDecay chnget "SG2_Env_Amp_D"
iSG2EnvAmpSustain chnget "SG2_Env_Amp_S"
iSG2EnvAmpRelease chnget "SG2_Env_Amp_R"
; Ring Modulator
kSG2RMFrequency chnget "SG2_RM_Frequency"
kSG2RMVolume chnget "SG2_RM_Volume"
; Ring Modulator Envelope
iSG2EnvRMAttack chnget "SG2_Env_RM_A"
iSG2EnvRMDecay chnget "SG2_Env_RM_D"
iSG2EnvRMSustain chnget "SG2_Env_RM_S"
iSG2EnvRMRelease chnget "SG2_Env_RM_R"
; Low Pass
kSG2FilterLpF chnget "SG2_Low_Pass_Frequency"
kSG2FilterLpR chnget "SG2_Low_Pass_Reasonance"
; High Pass
kSG2FilterHpF chnget "SG2_High_Pass_Frequency"
kSG2FilterHpR chnget "SG2_High_Pass_Reasonance"
; Filter Envelope
iSG2EnvFilterAttack chnget "SG2_Env_Filters_A"
iSG2EnvFilterDecay chnget "SG2_Env_Filters_D"
iSG2EnvFilterSustain chnget "SG2_Env_Filters_S"
iSG2EnvFilterRelease chnget "SG2_Env_Filters_R"
; ---------------------------
; | end variable definition |
; ---------------------------
; generate ring modulator sine
aSG2RMsine poscil kSG2RMVolume, kSG2RMFrequency, -1
iSG2EnvRMRelease limit iSG2EnvRMRelease , 0.001, iSG2EnvAmpRelease ; release cannot be longer than amp env release
kSG2EnvRM madsr iSG2EnvRMAttack, iSG2EnvRMDecay, iSG2EnvRMSustain, iSG2EnvRMRelease
aSG2RM = aSG2RMsine * kSG2EnvRM
; generate main oscilator
aSG2Sine init 0
kSG2EnvAmp madsr iSG2EnvAmpAttack, iSG2EnvAmpDecay, iSG2EnvAmpSustain, iSG2EnvAmpRelease
if iSG2Wav == 1 then ; sine
aSG2Sine poscil p5*kSG2EnvAmp, p4, -1
elseif iSG2Wav == 2 then ; saw
aSG2sine vco2 p5*kSG2EnvAmp, p4, 0 , kSG2PWM, kSG2Phase
elseif iSG2Wav == 3 then ; square
aSG2Sine vco2 p5*kSG2EnvAmp, p4, 2, kSG2PWM, kSG2Phase
elseif iSG2Wav == 4 then ; triangle
aSG2Sine vco2 p5*kSG2EnvAmp, p4, 4, kSG2PWM, kSG2Phase
; apply ring modulation
if kSG2RMVolume > 0.001 then
aSG2RMsound = (aSG2RM * aSG2sine)
aSG2 = (aSG2Sine*(1-kSG2RMVolume))+aSG2RMsound
aSG2 = aSG2Sine
;HP Filter
iSG2EnvFilterRelease limit iSG2EnvFilterRelease , 0.001, iSG2EnvAmpRelease ; release cannot be longer than amp env release
kSG2EnvFilter madsr iSG2EnvFilterAttack, iSG2EnvFilterDecay, iSG2EnvFilterSustain, iSG2EnvFilterRelease
denorm aSG2
aSG2FHp bqrez aSG2, kSG2FilterHpF * kSG2EnvFilter, kSG2FilterHpR, 1
;LP Filter
denorm aSG2FHp
aSG2FLp bqrez aSG2FHp,kSG2FilterLpF * kSG2EnvFilter,kSG2FilterLpR, 0
aSG2Output = aSG2FHp
; =====================
; || Master Section ||
; =====================
; -----------------------
; | variable definition |
; -----------------------
; general
kSG1Amp chnget "SG1_Amp"
kMix chnget "SGMix"
; reverb
kMasterReverbSize chnget "Master_Reverb_Size"
kMasterReverbDamp chnget "Master_Reverb_Damp"
kMasterReverbMix chnget "Master_Reverb_Mix"
kMasterReverbLevel chnget "Master_Reverb_Level"
; mix knob left : only generator 1 sounds at 100% volume
; mix knob right : only generator 2 sounds at 100% volume
; mix knob middle: both generators sound at 50% volume each
aoutL = (aSG1Output * (1.0 - kMix)) + (aSG2Output * kMix)
aoutR = (aSG1Output * (1.0 - kMix)) + (aSG2Output * kMix)
; master output
aMoutL = aoutL
aMOutR = aoutL
; ---------------------------
; | end variable definition |
; ---------------------------
; enable Reverb only if room size is bellow 0
kShoudlReverd = 0
if (kMasterReverbSize == 0) then
aMOutL = aoutL
aMOutR = aoutL
outs aMOutL, aMOutR
denorm aMOutL
denorm aMOutR
aMOutL, aMOutR freeverb aoutL, aoutR, kMasterReverbSize, kMasterReverbDamp, 48000
aMOutL = aMOutL + aoutL
aMOutR = aMOutR + aoutR
; master output
outs aMOutL, aMOutR
instr 2
if metro(4) == 1 then
event "i", "updateGUI", 0, 1
instr updateGUI
iSG1wavStr chnget "SG1_Wav"
iSG1onoff chnget "SG1_on_off"
if iSG1onoff == 0 then
chnset "active(0)", "ID_Layer1"
chnset "active(1)", "ID_SG1_on_off"
chnset "active(1)", "ID_Layer1"
if iSG1wavStr == 1 then ;sine
chnset "active(0)", "ID_SG1_PWM"
chnset "active(0)", "ID_SG1_Phase"
elseif iSG1wavStr == 2 then ;saw
chnset "active(0)", "ID_SG1_PWM"
chnset "active(0)", "ID_SG1_Phase"
elseif iSG1wavStr == 3 then ;square
chnset "active(1)", "ID_SG1_PWM"
chnset "active(1)", "ID_SG1_Phase"
elseif iSG1wavStr == 4 then ;triangle
chnset "active(0)", "ID_SG1_PWM"
chnset "active(0)", "ID_SG1_Phase"
;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...
;f0 z
i1 0 z
i2 0 z
I probably will have to implement my own preset system. I need more functionality anyway, like meta tags, categories etc.
You missed one
channel("SG2_Env_Filters R")
After fixing that it runs fine for me. Let me know.
And I checked the source code carefully, 4 freaking times … oh well
yeap it works now, not only on my external HD but also in my home folder subfolder
So as I suspected, which is why I asked you for a way to print the path, the path was never the problem. Well in case of presets example it was because the examples are located inside the c:\Program Files\Cabbage\Examples and of course its a read only folder
So it seems the only bug here is the channel names, the rest works as expected as long as of course Cabbage can save the preset file.
Who does not like a happy end eh ?
I declare the thread close, thanks Rory