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Getting new Cabbage install on laptop

I think I ran the correct binary. But perhaps I need to put an additional command…?

Here’s the output:

brian@brian-F9E:~/JUCE-master/extras/binarybuilder/Builds/Linux/build$ ./BinaryBuilder
JUCE v4.1.0

BinaryBuilder! Visit for more info.
Usage: BinaryBuilder sourcedirectory targetdirectory targetclassname [optional wildcard pattern]

BinaryBuilder will find all files in the source directory, and encode them
into two files called (targetclassname).cpp and (targetclassname).h, which it
will write into the target directory supplied.

Any files in sub-directories of the source directory will be put into the
resultant class, but #ifdef’ed out using the name of the sub-directory (hard to
explain, but obvious when you try it…)

You’re not running make from the correct directory. You need to go to the Examples/Demo/Build/Linux folder. Anyhow, before trying that again, can you grab the very latest develop branch code and try building again. Rather than downloading a zip each time, it’s best to just clone the git repository. To do so just run the following command:

git clone

This will download and clone the Cabbage repository to your PC. In order to update it from hereon in, you need only run

git pull

From anywhere inside that nearly created Cabbage folder. Anyhow, I made some changes to how the default font is chosen. If it still doesn’t work, go back and try the Juce demo and see if you can see any fonts when that application starts.

I think I already had the git version installed. I ran git pull and got this:

brian@brian-F9E:~/cabbage$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 25, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Total 25 (delta 15), reused 13 (delta 13), pack-reused 2
Unpacking objects: 100% (25/25), done.
60dece1…b754bfe develop -> origin/develop
Already up-to-date.

It looks like you’ve been building from the master branch then all along! My first comment in this thread was to checkout the develop branch :wink: From that same directory you need to run:

git checkout develop

Then run pull again. Then cd to the Linux/Build dir and run ./buildCabbage

I get this message:

brian@brian-F9E:~/cabbage$ git checkout develop
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.

Should I save the file I modified before first?

You can type

git stash

And then pull again. That’s because the changes you have to your fonts.cpp file don’t match mine. It’s normal.

Looks like I need an account??

brian@brian-F9E:~/cabbage$ git stash

*** Please tell me who you are.


git config --global ""
git config --global “Your Name”

to set your account’s default identity.
Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.

fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got ‘brian@brian-F9E.(none)’)
Cannot save the current index state

Ok try:

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

Then try git pull. At this stage it should say ‘already up to date’. TO double check, you can check the linux fonts file. If it still has your changes something is not right. It should now match the one here:

ok, looks good! I have at line 140:

static String getDefaultSansSerifFontName()
StringArray allFonts;
FTTypefaceList::getInstance()->getSansSerifNames (allFonts);

    static const char* targets[] = { "Verdana", "Bitstream Vera Sans", "Luxi Sans", 
                                     "Liberation Sans", "DejaVu Sans", "Sans", nullptr }; 
    return pickBestFont (allFonts, targets); 

Now do I have to rebuild?

Yup. Rebuild. Just cd to the Linux/Build dir and do your thing.

I rebuilt (same error messages as before).

I ran ./Cabbage from within the CabbageBuild directory. Still no visible fonts in the GUI. Also, the GUI behaves strangely in that it moves to the right when I try to mouse-over it!

I’ve really no idea what’s going on here. Can you try building the JUCE demo and seeing if that runs Ok for you?

Did it!!

So that app uses the same fonts as Cabbage. Which leaves me quite stumped on what is prevent Cabbage from showing any fonts. Can you send a screenshot of Cabbage? And can you try selecting the 5th menu command from the ‘Options’ menu, that will open the source code editor. Are the fonts showing in that?

Sorry for the delay. I’ll be at my pc in half an hour and will try the tests.
I wanted to ask: should I run Cabbage or Cabbage Studio? I have both! Also, I have them listed in the menu. Can I open them from there or must I open them at the terminal?

I wanted to send a screenshot earlier but couldn’t because the GUI kept moving off the screen as my mouse touched it.

I tried previously to look at the menu dropdown lists, but there was nothing in them to see but black…


You can use Cabbage Studio if you like but I fear that will suffer from the same problems. I don’t really know how to proceed here. You can launch Cabbage from the menu. No need to start it from the command line. In fact, you might as well try it from there. Who knows, maybe that will help?!

Thinking back to the installation I did on the other pc (you helped me a lot there, too!), I remember that I had to manually change a line of code in the effects file and synth file, before compiling. Was I supposed to do that this time, too?
Also, I didn’t do the build as root this time. Does that matter?

here are screenshots: Cabbage Studio and Cabbage (couldn’t show you the darkened dropdown menus here, but you get the idea…)

The problem is he’s missing the MS fonts (Arial, Verdana, Comic Sans, etc). Could you try ‘sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer’?

It’s already installed, I’m afraid!