I think I ran the correct binary. But perhaps I need to put an additional command…?
Here’s the output:
brian@brian-F9E:~/JUCE-master/extras/binarybuilder/Builds/Linux/build$ ./BinaryBuilder
JUCE v4.1.0
BinaryBuilder! Visit www.juce.com for more info.
Usage: BinaryBuilder sourcedirectory targetdirectory targetclassname [optional wildcard pattern]
BinaryBuilder will find all files in the source directory, and encode them
into two files called (targetclassname).cpp and (targetclassname).h, which it
will write into the target directory supplied.
Any files in sub-directories of the source directory will be put into the
resultant class, but #ifdef’ed out using the name of the sub-directory (hard to
explain, but obvious when you try it…)