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If then else and prints

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When pressing on vitual keyboard more thna 1 sec, the sound stops.

I am using Csound

csound --version virtual_keyboard real time MIDI plugin for Csound WARNING: STK opcodes not available: define environment variable RAWWAVE_PATH (points to rawwaves directory) to use STK opcodes. 0dBFS level = 32768.0 --Csound version 6.10 (double samples) Oct 29 2017 [commit: 7ae53bb208216ac65cac6487c4d03c9e26e2b125] libsndfile-1.0.25 end of score. overall amps: 0.0 overall samples out of range: 0 0 errors in performance Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 0.000s, CPU: 0.000s

This files also works as it should. No problems here. I wonder if there is some kind of conflict with an older version of Csound on your system? Could you check your program files and see if there is an old install there somewhere. You can simply rename the folder if you find one. There is definitely something odd going on. I don’t think it’s Csound though.

Ok with the latest build I also see some memory problems, but I think it must be Cabbage as I can’t recreate the problems with Csound. I’ll take a deeper look later.

I’ve just spent quite some time testing various instruments and examples both in Csound and in Cabbage. From what I can see there is no general issue with memory leaks in Cabbage or Csound. Your instrument however IS leaking memory somewhere. I really don’t know where or why. Morpheur5 doesn’t leak for me here. Something you added since then might be causing an issue. If I was you I would do a diff between Morpheur5 and the current version and see what’s new.