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I’m trying to access rslider limits (min, max) with cabbageGet. While kArray[] cabbageGet "slider", "bounds" works, kArray[] cabbageGet "slider", "range" doesn’t. Is it possible and which identifier should be used?

Ah, try ‘min’, or ‘max’. I don’t think I added support for array output from range. I can do so, but not till later today.

No hurry!

Neither “min” nor “max” get anything (at i- or k-rate). Getting the range would be very useful, e.g. for randomization.

btw. it seems that one has to specify cabbageGetValue:i(...) when reading at init time only. On the other hand chnget() seems to work without the rate specifier (at least for the init pass). It makes sense to use “:i”, so it seems confusing on the Csound side rather then on the Cabbage side. Maybe you have a comment on this? Thanks!

I think chnget defaults to i-time. so you don’t have to use the identifier. But I always recommend using the rate specifier regardless as it’s make things easier to read.

Correct that combobox items names cannot be altered using cabbageSet?

cabbageSet "SynthMode2", {{ items("FM","AM") }}

This only works for combobox that are set to channelType(“string”), i.e, they are not automatable. A combobox is like a slider, in that its range cannot be modified without breaking the host.

got it. ok, i think i can work with that… thanks.

I thought I had this with strget/set. Sorry the String type widgets always trip me up… is there a way to get an index still or store the string somehow to compare it to an ivar?

Yes, but because I neglected to add the the option of passing arrays to cabbageSet it is a little long winded. We also have to write our own IndexOf UDO for finding the index of a string within an array. Nevertheless, here is an example that lets users populate a combobox with text they type into a texteditor. It will also give you the correct index whenever the combobox is updated or changed.

form caption("Untitled") size(400, 300), guiMode("queue") pluginId("def1")
combobox bounds(26, 74, 143, 20) channel("combo1"), channelType("string") items("AM", "FM", "PM", "LMN"), value("AM")
texteditor bounds(26, 38, 142, 30) channel("texteditor1")
-n -d -+rtmidi=NULL -M0 -m0d 
; Initialize the global variables. 
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

opcode IndexOf, k,SS[]

    SString, SStrings[] xin
    kCount = 0
    kIndex init 0
    kSize  = lenarray:k(SStrings)
    while kCount < kSize do
        if strcmpk(SString, SStrings[kCount]) == 0 then
            kIndex = kCount
        kCount +=1

    xout kIndex

instr 1

    SNewItem, kNewItemTrig cabbageGetValue "texteditor1"
    SCurrentItems[] cabbageGet "combo1", "text"
    if kNewItemTrig == 1 then
        event "i", "UpdateCombo", 0, 0.01 

    SCombo, kComboTrig cabbageGetValue "combo1"
    printf SCombo, kComboTrig
    printarray SCurrentItems, kComboTrig
    printk2 IndexOf(SCombo, SCurrentItems) 


instr UpdateCombo
    SItem cabbageGetValue "texteditor1"
    SCurrentItems[] cabbageGet "combo1", "text"
    iNewArraySize = lenarray(SCurrentItems)+1
    SNewList init "items("
    iIndex = 0
    while iIndex < iNewArraySize-1 do
        SNewList strcat SNewList, strcat("\"", strcat(SCurrentItems[iIndex], "\", "))
        iIndex += 1
    SNewList strcat SNewList, strcat("\"", strcat(SItem, "\")")) 
    ;we only need to do this when the instrument is released...
    cabbageSet release(), "combo1", SNewList
    cabbageSet release(), "combo1", strcat("value(\"", strcat(SItem, "\")"))


;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...
f0 z
;starts instrument 1 and runs it for a week
i1 0 [60*60*24*7] 

;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...
f0 z
;starts instrument 1 and runs it for a week
i1 0 [60*60*24*7] 

Thanks Rory - it’s a bit of a workaround I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do…

Is there a way to simply compare the string in the combobox to a value for a conditional operation?
Something like this - but that works correctly - assuming the strset strings are the same as the combobox strings

if (chnget:S("ComboBoxString") == strget(1)) then
        ivar = 1
    elseif (chnget:S("ComboBoxString") == strget(2)) then
        ivar = 2
        ivar = 3

I know this is sort of a Csound 101 question but it has forever evaded me why we cannot simply compare string values. I feel like I’m overthinking this whole thing though…

Is there no way you can put all those strget strings into an array? That’s really the simplest way I can think of doing it. Csound doesn’t have switch statements, that would make things a little cleaner.

Another note about the code above, it uses the text() identifier to grab the items. items() doesn’t actually work in this context. I need to fix that.

Just wanted to remind you of this. In 2.7.2,
iArr[] cabbageGet "...", "bounds"
works but
iArr[] cabbageGet "...", "range"
does not. I’d like to get the min and max values.

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Setting a widget value with cabbageSet updates the widget display of the value but the value isn’t sent to the instrument?

cabbageSetValue works as expected for this, so I assume it’s by design? If so, just curious why both functions weren’t wrapped up in cabbageSet.

Setting a value through cabbageSet, should also work, but it won’t be as quick as cabbageSetValue as it incurs additional overhead. I’ll check it out. It might well be by design as I wanted to lead people to use the more efficient way of doing it :thinking:

I’ve added support for this. You can now do the following:

iRange[] cabbageGet "freq", "range"

I’ve added support for this you can now do:

cabbageSet kTrig, "freqSlider", "value", 500

The reason that I didn’t wrap them all up into one was because I didn’t think I could get a cabbageSet to perform as quick as cabbagetSetValue because of some extra overhead. But I think I could probably consolidate them without incurring much of a hit. It would definitely lead to better consistency.

Cool - thanks. I am only running them for 1 sec anyway to instance a new UI. Will try it now…

Hey i was just surfing around the forum… Wouldn’t using strcmp/strcmpk help out with this (comparing strings)? For example, using the model you posted:

if (strcmpk(chnget:S("CombobBoxString"), strget(1))==0) then
     ivar = 1
elseif (strcmpk(chnget:S("CombobBoxString"), strget(2))==0) then
     ivar = 2

Correct. I think I somehow missed the point that @chronopolis was making here :man_facepalming:

Is this

SMacroName1, knameChange1 cabbageGetValue "MacroName1"    
    if knameChange1 == 1 then
        Snewname = sprintfk("text(\"%s\")", SMacroName1)
        cabbageSet knameChange1, "Macro1", Snewname

the same as this?

SMacroName1, knameChange1 cabbageGetValue "MacroName1"
cabbageSet knameChange1, "Macro1", SMacroName1

Trying to get this down to 2 lines of code. I thought it would be the same but it’s not functioning the same. I also tried…

cabbageSet knameChange1, "Macro1", sprintfk("%s", SMacroName1)