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New to cabbage, used csound ages ago

I’m happy to hear it’s going well for you. Csound is brilliant in how quickly it lets you prototype your ideas. :slight_smile:

I built an alternate version of the plugin that uses the delayr and delayw opcodes instead of the explicit circular buffer approach. It is cool, but I’m struggling to get one feature to work:

I want to use a switch to lower the sample rate of the delay buffer. For example, going from 48000 Hz to 24000 Hz would play the buffer at half speed. If audio is stored in it, then you’d hear it an octave lower. If you continue to write to the buffer it will sound “normal.” Restoring the sample rate to 48000 would return to normal speed, playing the buffered audio an octave higher.

Any ideas how to achieve that with delayr, delayw, and deltap?

One application will be to have the delay feedback on 100% so that it is looping audio. Reducing the sample rate would play the loop back at half speed. I’ve seen example where deltap is gradually changed to change the playback speed, but I don’t think that’s exactly what I need in the looping case.

Thank you!

Another progress update on where loobt is today. I’ve brought in a ton of features that I’ve long wanted in a looper.

I ended up sticking with the circular buffer delay once I understood how to write my own opcode, which I’ve then customized quite a bit. Sample rate reduction, bit reduction, reverse, half-speed, filtering, … Plus all sorts of audio tricks with envelope followers for following/ducking, LFOs for amplitude and filter modulation, etc. Fun!

Long track, so skip around if you get bored.


It sounds cool! I love how it sounds after 8:10, especially at 8:33.

Can’t wait to try it, I’m curious how the UI will look like :slight_smile:

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Thanks for checking it out. There are lots of neat sounds hiding in there. I like the 4:07-5:02 stuff a lot. The original loop has become this dark, lonely digital thing and the frequency shifting sounds out there.

UI is definitely not my strength. I’m just using the built-in Cabbage stuff at the moment. I keep redesigning the layout so it isn’t completely daunting to a new user.

Giving the user so many options is a blessing and a curse. Each time I add a feature that is selectable by loop I question if 4 more buttons is really what I want in the UI.

Listening back to this tonight, I’m definitely hearing some clicks that aren’t desired. I know the reverse algorithm has some issues, but there seem to be a few other places. That’ll be rewarding to sort out.

Development continues … Long track, so skip around if/when you get bored

This track shows off the looping, tempo-sync’d LFOs, bit reduction, filtering, dynamic envelopes, loop modulation, … All the effects are inside the plugin, except the reverb. The center-channel loop just gets some tempo-sync’d low pass filter. The left/right loops get bit reduction, decay, subtle vibrato, low pass filtering, plus that pitch-shifting nonsense that I love. I build up some ebow loops and use those like a vocoder on the live guitar. It all gets gradually destroyed by the end when the Atari eats the Nintendo.

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This is great. Sounds like you’re having a lot of fun!

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