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Hi Rory,
I attach a quadriphonical test.
If a move the degrees slider to 0 degree the sound comes from speaker 1, ok.
If I move to 90 degrees the sound comes from speaker 2, ok.
But with slider to 180 and 270 degrees the sound don’t move to speaker 3 and 4, but it goes back to 1 and 2. Why?
I attach also settings snapshot and quad test snapshot.
Andrea S.

locsig_quad_05cb.csd (2.2 KB)

This is something I can’t test right now as I don’t have a multi out sound card. But after exporting the plugin and loading it in Reaper it works just fine. My office colleague does have a nice RME interface that I will test with, but I’m away from work for another week, so I won’t be able to check until the end of April. You mentioned on the Csound list that you are having issue with Cubase. You might take a loo at this thread…

Thank you, Rory.
With my 6i6 Focusrite, on windows 10, I can listen properly this test with CsoundQt (see the attachment). The same test adapted for Cabbage (attached yesterday) sounds only with speakers 1 and 2.
All the best.
Andrea S.

locsig_quad_05qt.csd (6.3 KB)

Thanks, Cabbage implements its own audio IO. For now, if you really need multi channel IO you can run it inside Reaper.

Hi @strapparts, I’ve released a new version (2.1.04) which should fix these issues. Just don’t forget to connect the outputs from the node in the Cabbage patcher to the output node. Let me know if it works. I was able to test with a Fireface card here and it all worked well.

Tanks you for replay, Rory.
the Patcher in Cabbage works well. I listen to all channels.
In Cubase doesn’t work.
I call dll instrument with quad out, but in mixer it appears no pan:

The problem is there is little I can do to address this considering the only version of Cubase I have restricts all multichannel plugins to stereo. I assume you’re not using a ‘lite’ version, and have access to one of their premium releases?

Sorry, I had not specified it, I use Cubase Pro.