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Simple question about the gentable

ok ill try that

how exactly do i do that sorry i just really cant wrap my head around this whole opcoding thing

Also, just call the reverb instrument instr 2 in this case (notice that Rory is running that instrument by referencing the string in the score-section)

Example channels:
Instr 1
chnset aOutL, “AudioOutL”

instr 2
aOutL chnget “AudioOutL”

now ur just speaking chinese to me the only thing i understand is the word string

Score-section of the code (all the way down, bottom of code)

That’s where you run the instruments (CsScore)

Did it make sense?

Sorry i have not tried it yet school and stuffs got in the way but ill try today.

Alright i tried and couldn’t really make much sense out of it I send you an invite via github could show me that way i tend to learn better via example then loose snippits of code.
also the multiple out thing wasnt me i am just expanding off the beginner synth found in the docs.

Okey, I will help you. But I need you to give me a very precise description of what you’re trying to program