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Solution for user-made presets?

Congratulations! And to enjoy the baby. My best wishes :hugs:

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Hi @Gerbo, I’m just getting around to this now.

Do you have an example? Do you mean when using the old way of saving generic presets, as shown in this example?

It is to work with combobox or listbox, without running audio and without .snaps. With .snaps if it responds correctly as usual. Using it for example as a playlist for any other use, you need that audio to be active.

I can recreate this here. Leave it with me. Thanks.

You can see, that with the traditional method “.snaps” it is active :+1:, but the combobox with individual presets does not respond if it is inactive.

These tests are carried out with the latest version of Cabbage 2.8.17

Thanks @gerbo, is there any chance you could send me the two instrument .csd files you use above? I think that would help. Right now I’m still a little confused :laughing:

The thrill of being a dad again :wink: How’s everything going @rory?
The tests are done with the examples: Presets and PresetsChannels (6.3 KB)

Exactly. everything is confusing to me these days :laughing:

Thanks for this, I am able to recreate it :+1:

So I can’t run Garageband through the XCode debugger :rage:

In summary, I can’t use the Apple development tools to debug a plugin written using an Apple SDK, in a host that is produced by Apple. Wow. They never fails to amaze!

I’ll have to download a trial version of Logic as I don’t have it this machine…

Wow! these from Apple … :upside_down_face:
If you have Cubase, you can recreate it too. It does the same as in Logic.

Thanks, I’ll try Cubase :+1:

The thought just occurred to me that guiMode("queue") might be the issue. And it turns out that it is not enabled for the one that doesn’t work. I think this should fix the issue. I’m going to check now…

[edit] that seems to fix it. I will update the presets example so this doesn’t happen again. :+1:

Good Morning!
The one that doesn’t work is still the same (PresetsCahnnels), which already had guiMode (“queue”).
It does not react if the audio is not active.

Let me check again here. The instrument that wasn’t working for me started working fine once I added this. But to be certain, I’ll test the two you posted.

Ah yes, now I see. The example that uses the cabbageChannelStateRecall opcodes won’t work without audio, as you have already discovered. This is because Cubase and Logic don’t run any processing unless there is audio. The reason the other system works without audio is that it is managed entirely by Cabbage.

What are you trying to do, is there some way we can improve the other system to help you?

Yes, of course! :+1:I think it would be helpful if cabbageChannelStateRecall was controllable by Cabbage for now. It would be of great help, for managing combobox, or listbox.
Thanks to the new guiMode (“queue”), the code for saving presets with the * .snaps system has already been facilitated and given a lot of freedom.
I guess it would also be cabbageChannelStateSave[quote=“rorywalsh, post:98, topic:2262”]
The problem is that these are opcodes, and as such can’t, can’t run until Csound does

I understand … It was scratching a bit to see if there was luck :roll_eyes:

Because actually, at the moment, I can’t find any other way to generate individual user and factory presets.
If you could implement snaps to generate individual files, that would be great :wink:

The problem is that these are opcodes, and as such can’t, can’t run until Csound does. It’s a pity that Cubase and Logic behave like this. It causes quite a few headaches.

I understand … It was scratching a bit to see if there was luck :roll_eyes:

Because actually, at the moment, I can’t find any other way to generate individual user and factory presets.
If you could implement snaps to generate individual files, that would be great :wink:

I think it’s time I looked into this. You’re not the first person to request it. And considering that the channelState opcodes won’t work UNTIL Csound starts running, I think we have no other choice. Leave it with me.

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