- Clone the Cabbage repo:
https://github.com/rorywalsh/cabbage - install Visual Studio 2017 community with the full C++ development tools. It’s a fair size of a package, expect to part with about 3/4gigs of hard disk space.
- Download JUCE version 5.2.3, and then build the Projucer project with VS2017
- Download and extract the VST SDK to a folder on your C drives called SDKs.
- Do the same with the ASIO stuff
- You should have Csound installed, if it’s in the default location great, otherwise might be best to install it there.
With all that done, open the newly build Projucer app and then open the CabbageIDE.jucer file in the Cabbage root dir. Hit save, this will create the VS studio project for your machine. You can then launch Cabbage.sln to get going. Note this will jut build the standalone version, but I don’t think you need anything else in order to test the problem here.