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Two buttons that do the same thing

The goal with this particular instrument is to handle the muting/mixing/panning of the N loops and the 1 dry signal.

Those aloop_in1 through aloop_in4 signals are coming in on their own channels, as is adry_in1. Is that what you mean? Then the stereo mix will be output to a left and a right channel before it goes to the output instrument…

Or do you mean bussing to the left and right channels directly instead of explicitly mixing them?

Yeah I think banner channel buses would be better. You can you chnmix to dynamically mix signals. It’s quite robust. Would be worth throwing together a POC first I guess

So in this type of example:

Would you instead do away with instrument 12 completely and chmix from instrument 3 and instrument 11?

Yeah, you could do that. Keep in mind I’ve no idea what instrument 12 does :rofl: but each instance can chnmix with other instances. Just make sure you clear the channel in the last instrument, i.e., the over with the highest number.

In that linked example, instrument 12 was just a mixer. It was taking two signals and sending them to chnmix. It seemed redundant …

Lots of progress on the looper tonight. The Csound code is definitely less sprawling. RAM use is up some, probably due to multiple audio busses between the instruments. I’m adding features back to the UDO and post-delay effects section.

The Cabbage section still has a ton of code. Not sure if I could macrotize any of that. It is pretty nicely structured, so maybe I’ll just move things to separate files I include.