I’ve updated my Ubuntu machine to 16.04. The first issue I had was with the “VST3 SDK”, so I updated the makefiles so that it reads the default folder name for the VST3 SDK with the white-space. I had to disable native file browsers because it was causing a crash with zenity. The JUCE devs have fixed this issue now, but I’ll have to update the entire JUCE code base in order to incorporate it into Cabbage. I’ll try to get around to this soon, but it will not be for a while as I’m busy with other projects.
I had no issues with Jack. I’m using the same sample rate with Cabbage as I am in Jack and I’ve not noticed any problems. I’m using KXStudio for all my jack needs and use Cadence to launch and control Jack. For what it’s worth, I didn’t have to do any kind of extra updating when it came to Jack. It all just worked out of the box after I upgraded.