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2.9.226 Windows installer

To check whether an error in one of my projects is not due to an outdated version of cabbage, I ran Cabbage64Setup-2.9.226.exe. After that Cabbage did not start. In the same there was also Cabbage64Setup-2.9.216.exe and this one works.

Sorry to add a second issue in the same post: How do I reliably determine whether the csound version Cabbage uses is up to date? I checked to install 6.17 during the Cabbage install, but if I type csound from the Windowscommand line I see 6.16.

That’s odd. There should only be one .exe in the Windows installer. I don’t have access to a Window’s machine, and won’t have until early September so I can’t check. But the build script should only build and package one exe :thinking:

The fail safe way is to download and install the latest version of Csound from here. Cabbage will pick up whatever version you have installed, as long as you install it in the default location.

I went through the procedure explained in the sticky post. At one point it looks different though:

From there I download an I don’t have access to my Windows machine now, but remember pretty clearly that there were three Windows install files, the last being 226. I just retried from my Mac and I get this in the

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-22 um 10.16.36

I can try this one as soon as I am back home.

Can you let me know how you get on. Thanks.

I tried to install from Cabbage64Setup-2.9.224.exe but again Cabbage does not start anymore after that. If I downgrade by Cabbage64Setup-2.9.216.exe it runs again.

(I think I understand why I have different versions of the .exe install files. Every time I decompress the file it goes into the same directory. So I keep the old files, which is a good thing in situations like this. But the from Azure actually only contains the most recent version as you said.)

…and thanks for the hint to install csound directly. Now I am at version 6.18 and I now see this in the Cabbage console too.

Is there something you need that’s in .224? If not I might continue with development of the latest version rather than spend time debugging this? Let me know :slightly_smiling_face:

No hurry. I can work with version 216. I just wanted to make sure whether the presetChannel problem is resolved in the current version.

I don’t think I’ve touched that code in a bit, so chances are it’s the same in the most up to date version.