Im trying to create an 2 instruments. One of them is a continuous sound that has an amplitude and frequency controlled by 1 slide and the other is a 1 shot sound (that’s the easy part). The slider for the first instrument goes from 0 to 1, and when it hits 1 - it triggers the second instrument that plays a 1 shot sound (basically like a slingshot or the sound you get when you long press the like button on fb messenger).
Im trying to tackle 2 issues :
- when the slider gets to 1, the first instrument need to be silenced somehow, but since the slider shows 1 and is connected to amp and freq, Im thinking maybe theres a way to connect the slider to an envelope, or maybe somehow create a condition that if the slider is above 1 then amp/freq = 0.
- When trying to trigger the sound using an if statement ( if slider == 1 then event “i”, 2, 0, 2) I run into an issue where as long as the slider stays on 1 it keeps triggering it. I tried using “changed”, and maybe I didn’t set it up correctly but since the slider always change, I couldn’t get it to work.
any tips or advice on how to approach this?