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3 request and 2 bugs (?) (fixed)


  • there is the possibility to hide the vslider white center line? useful when using unipolar values;
  • it is possible to do so that the Cabbage keyboard is always centered on C3? (at Cabbage startup)
  • it is possible you can set the mouse resolution to any control?
  • in the 001 picture you can see how the string does not appear at all; something wrong ?
  • in the 002-003 pictures you can see how when I select 2 lines, and hit carriage return, the comment is not deleted…

Many thanks


Yes. It’s in the newest version. I can try to get you a demo of that shortly to try out.

You can set the lowest key to appear by using the value() identifier with the keyboard widget. Where the value you pass will represent the leftmost key to appear. But I can change the deafult so that C3 is more in the middle.

I’m not sure what you mean here?

The parser I wrote to interpret the strings in identifiers doesn’t handle () brackets. If you need to use brackets try [square] ones instead. A rewrite of the parser may be required in the future but for now I’m afraid to go messing with it!

I’ll get that fixed too for the next release. Thanks.

thanks for reply!

excuse, the same thing that already exists for rslider: (ctrl+drag mouse)
this feature don’t work for vslider…

That’s funny, I never knew about the Ctrl+Drag feature. It’s something that comes with the C++ framework I use. I’ll see if I can get it to work for the other sliders too. It’s a nice feature!

do you think it makes sense to give the opportunity to the developer to decide the resolution in pixels?
adding a new option: mres [pixel];


Since I’m already here… Is it possible to have a call to this function as an attribute: void MidiKeyboardComponent::setOctaveForMiddleC (int octaveNumForMiddleC) ?

In Argentina -and I suspect other countries as well- your C3 is our C4. So the keyboard widget looks wrong to us. (Yes, we are complicated people, we know. lol.)

@Codesound I’m not sure about this request. You know that you can already set the step increment? If you wish to have fine control over your slider you probably should use the endless encoder widget which will appear in the next release. It gives you much higher resolution than a slider with fixed max and min points.

@gsenna That shouldn’t be a problem. What should we call the identifier? middlec()? Where the number passed in sets the octave number that appears on middle c?

Well, middlecoctave() is clearly too long. I really can’t think of a better name that actually informs the user about the fact that the parameter is really the octave number.

And you’d still have to read the manual to find out about that, so middlec() is fine I think.


I’ll add that when I return to my Linux environment. Right now I’m trying to get UDK to speak with Csound on Windows. It’s not much fun at all!

another feed:

when I close an auxiliary file , but I have in the foreground another code , Cabbage closes completely

PS: thanks!


I’ve just pushed changes through to the audiounit branch which address the issues above. I’ve also updated the Docs so that users can read about the new middlec identifier.