I like Hise, but it’s quite expensive to get a commercial product. Christoph doesn’t cover JUCE and Visual Studio costs because he build his framework mainly for open source philosophy so he subscribed him to a Personal Free pack and so the developer who wants to sell the plugin needs to make an Indie (or Pro) JUCE subscription, then 700$ or 1300$, then there’s the cost of 641€ for the Pro version of Visual Studio, and obviously the percent to Christoph on every instrument built with Hise. Anyway, though my project is based on virtual oscillators, I will build a sample based synth for a company, but the sampler module of Hise is revealing enough bugs and many members are reporting them often. Christoph is a really good programmer but he works alone and so, though some bugs are solved thanks to him, he can’t work everydays on bugs because he’s working on other projects too. The Documentation is very poor and so few (rare) examples about Hise. I think I made a miracle to complete the synth with Hise, but I prefer don’t ask to the company to invest so much money in a framework so young and so unstable (I experienced for 5 / 5 times that the project xml file gone corrupted with no reason and luckily from the backup files I recovered it without last work that I should re-write… a bit annoying, you know) The secon reason is that I’m just studying C++ and CSound from the book of Dr. Boulanger and Lazzarini, where you collaborated and I thought that it was a mor locical choice to study and use the same language