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About the 7000 years of running

The following code is auto-generated (towards the end of the created file) from Cabbage when you create a new instrument:

;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...
f0 z

From the description in the Csound reference manual, and from the Csound source code itself:

you can see that the ‘z’ token makes your instrument run for 25367 years, not 7000 years.

Anyway, it’s not very important what that value is set to… I doubt someone could care if theorically Csound could run for 7000 or 25367 years without interruptions. I think the true meaning of the ‘z’ token is to make a Csound instance run until you stop it manually. So, I think it should be better if Cabbage generated a comment like this:

;causes Csound to run until manually stopped:
f0 z

P.S.: if you are wondering, yes, these are those types of problem that don’t make me sleep at night… :laughing:

:joy: I’m happy to change that!