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Americanized spellings

I just read the thread about csound supporting both american and british spelling of synthesizer…

Would it be possible to have cabbage behave similarly, supporting all of the spellings us yanks know and love? :wink:

I think there are one or two examples, the most obvious one is “colour” in all the variations it appears in.

Don’t you mean Americanised spellings?! I guess I can add that. I don’t think the 13 instances of the word colour will cause too much of an overhead when it comes to parsing.

[EDIT] Done. In Git.

“Expatriate spellings” is less ambiguous, no? :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome, thanks! I’ll report back here if I come up with any other “localizations”. I feel like there was at least one other I can’t recall at the moment…

I just spent a few minutes trying to figure out where I was going wrong with placing text in a label. It was a “centre” vs. “center” issue! Do abbreviations work? Like “l” “c” and “r”?


I’m afraid not. But the new version will allow users to customise these things :+1:

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