Hi, Cabbage is the only software I use that has scrollbar colors so similar to the background that I’ve always great difficulty to find them. So, I wonder if there is some option to change just the scrollbar colors to make them brighter.
Cabbage editor Scrollbar colors
I can add an option to the preferences to let you choose your own colour?
It would be very nice!
Hey @mauro, what OS are you on? I just added the option of changing the scrollbar colours. if you are on Linux you can build from the last master branch, otherwise, hang tight for a bit and I can post a link to some new binaries for your OS.
Hi, Rory, I use Cabbage mainly on Windows 10 (64bit of course), but sometimes I use it on an Xubuntu 16.04 machine too. But on Linux I use the windows version inside a virtual machine, being that I had trouble in the past in building Cabbage from sources on xubuntu (I think the main problem is that all the distro based on Ubuntu LTS have old Csound versions in their repositories). Anyway, if you can give me a link to an updated Windows binary version it would be very good.
yeah, on Ubuntu based system you need to biuld Csound yourself. It ain’t that tricky though. In fact, I think there is now a 6.11 version in the Ubuntu repos. Anyhow, the new build is underway, once it’s ready it will show in green at the top of the list. Click on the link and select artefact. Let me know if you have any issues.
[update] Here’s the link to the new installer
Hi Rory, after installing it, I have an error. It complains with something like: “Unable to find an entry point named csoundGetInputName in dll csound64.dll". I selected to install it with csound too… I will try to install csound separately.
Ok, I redownloaded the installer (maybe it could be corrupted?), downloaded the latest official Csound binary package, then I installed, in the order, Csound and then Cabbage (without the flag on “Installs Csound”). Now it works!
Finally I can choice whatever color I want for the scrollbars! Me and my eyes thank you very much!
That’s odd. I’ll take a look at the installer again and see why that might be happening. Enjoy your scrollbars!
Hi Rory, I just noticed that the scrollbar for the output console too doesn’t have an option to change its color.
I’ll take a look…