I’m working on an improved version of Wgpluck ( a simple csd) but I noticed that many times the CPU is above 100%. Even in idle mode (no midi input or turning sliders) the average Cabbage CPU load is about 35 %…
Cabbage high CPU on OS X
Can you send on the .csd file? I can profile here.
It’s not so much a csd causing this, it seems. If you take the original Wgpluck example, for example, make a few changes, reload the instrument, play some midi notes, the CPU spikes at 101 % or more. The GUI becomes very unresponsive. It soon returns to normal, but playing midi notes again gives the same result.
If it is not down to the .csd then we would see the same crazy CPU usage on all files? Printing of messages to the console takes up more CPU than it should. Using -m0d in your CsOptions really helps improve things. This could be the reason why you are seeing such a crazy CPU spike. But it’s hard to tell without seeing the .csd.