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Cabbage Instruments and Effects (plugins) in Unity


Recently, one of my students who is found a lot of work with Csound in Unity showed me how it is possible to save JUCE plugin synths in Unity.

Is there any chance we could save Cabbage Synths and Effects as Unity plugins?

Here is the link that the student shared with me:

At Berklee, we love our Cabbage!

On behalf of my students, we all thank you for this amazing and empowering work.


Hi Richard. I looked into this a while back and it proved quite tricky. However, that was using an older version of JUCE. I’m in the process of upgrading to JUCE 6 so I might take another look at this.

In the meantime, it is possible to import your Cabbage instrument into Unity using CsoundUnity. CsoundUnity supports the basic widget types slider, button, checkbox and combobox. If you drop one of your Cabbage instrument into CsoundUnity, the Unity editor will automatically add the various UI controls. I will prepare a short video toot when I get a chance but it will probably not be till early next week :wink:

Hi Dr.B!
Great to hear that your students are using Csound in Unity!
Also very interesting to know that Juce can export plugins for Unity, I wasn’t aware of that.

The docs cover pretty much everything to get started:
We are looking for collaborators and examples to add to the package, let us know when your students create something great with it!

Hi @Dr_Richard_Boulanger, this one goes out to you :rofl:

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