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Cabbage Lite crashes when opening CSD file [resolved]

Hi, I’ve been away for a while and looks like things have developed!

How does Cabbage2 lite work? When I open any of my csd files the app just quits without any error or report.

This is the latest build as of today CabbageOSX_Sun_Jan__7_14-01-24_2018


Let me take a look…

It’s working for me here. Can you send me one of your .csd files and I can test it. CabbageLite is typically used when you don’t need the code editor or GUI designer found in the main Cabbage IDE. People set it up for use with Sublime, or any other text editor. It can be launched from the command line with various command line arguments. Most people may prefer to use the main Cabbage application.

blip.csd (441 Bytes)

Actually this file is very simple, but causes it to crash. I’m on 10.12.6 btw.

Does CsoundQT count as an editor?


You don’t have any instruments defined, nor any score section? Tehcnically the file won’t run, but it shouldn’t cause a crash either. I’ll look into it.

Looks like you may be new to Csound?, in which case don’t use CabbageLite, use regular old Cabbage. Browse the examples, and check out some online Csound toots. If you’ve any question feel free to post here.

Hi, my bad there’s nothing in it - perhaps that was a bad example, though it does compile in CsoundQT and stay running indefinitely. I run Csound in realtime mode most often, so dispense of the score tags (and the sr, ksmps header statements etc) to make for a cleaner code. Even no instr definitions (instr 0)… but I guess that Cabbage Lite needs a nominal structure intact to not complain?

OK right I got it working; Seems it needs the tags with a form to load

form caption("Untitled") size(400, 300), colour(58, 110, 182), pluginID("def1")

When that is present it works a treat :slight_smile:

Looks like you may be new to Csound?

Hah well I’m a relatively new user of 4 yrs or so, but have used other environments (Pd, SuperCollider, Bidule) extensively for years. I realise the statement “Does CsoundQT count as an editor?” might elude to me being a noob and in hindsight sounds a bit dumbass! :smiley: I actually meant use CsoundQT for it’s IDE, rather than Sublime.


When cresting a new file, you have the option to create pure csound file or cabbage file.
Hope this helps

That’s right yes it needs some Cabbage tags. I should have mentioned. My bad. Most peopleusing Cabbge use it in real-time mode. You don’t see much done with Cabbage scores section apart from an f0 z, or i1 z.

You can use any editor / IDE you wish to edit, and most likely launch, Cabbage instruments. But you can only edit and modify GUIs using the Cabbage IDE. Let us now how you get on. It might feel a little strange working with Cabbage after CsoundQT, but they are not that different. It’s all about chnget and chnset. Any Csound code written for CsoundQT should be transferable with only a few minor adjustments, if any at all. But don’t forget the Cabbage tags.

Btw, the Cabbage tags are are only needed in CabbageLite, CabbageIDE can open and run any .csd file. This is new with Cabbage 2.

Cheers guys!

Wait, we can use the “z” shortcut with instrument calls too? Interesting, I’ll have to experiment some with that. It would be much more simple and elegant than what I’ve been doing. Always learning something useful!

I had a random but related thought/idea… similar to how you added the IS_A_PLUGIN macro a while back for detecting when something is running exported vs standalone… would it make sense to add a macro to detect C2L vs full? Who knows, maybe even a way to tell if it’s in the patcher vs regular c2 full?

I can’t think of any examples where it would be good to know if the instrument has been launched with CLite or not. But it’s easy to add it.

I already have a use case for it… tho I admit it’s pretty corner case and will likely rarely be useful to anyone else.

In my “suite” of effects I’ve been working on, I have a setting that allows me to disable audio input. I use this to prevent feedback from the mic while I’m developing/debugging on my laptop, instead triggering simulated audio via test buttons to create a sine or a looped example wav file. However, in the c2H patcher view this custom setting prevents one effect from feeding into another, since each one now disables input. So similarly to how I disable this option when IS_A_PLUGIN, it would also be logical for me to disable that option when IS_PATCHER or whatever it theoretically got named, especially since I can manually cut the mic input in the patcher if needed.

This was just a sort of “what-if” idea tho. If it breaks anything or seems rare enough to not warrant, don’t worry about it! I have crazier ideas I’d rather get worked on :innocent: