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Cabbage text editor

Hey Rory,

You mentioned that you would be building Cabbage from the ground up. Hope progress is good! I’d just like to point out a couple of annoying things in the cabbage text editor, that may be addressed. I guess you may have noticed these as well.

  1. Undo after save is not possible: If I make certain changes and save it, I can’t undo those changes and revert to the previous code. Which is annoying when a huge chunk of the code is accidentally deleted and the file is saved.

  2. Line highlight and line scrolling: They line numbers on the left, do not scroll with the code. It only refreshes itself when we click on the text editor. This makes text highlighting, to find lines on which the highlighted word is present, impossible beyond the scope of whatever is already visible on the text editor screen.


Thanks, they are being addressed. I also share your frustration! Those things drive me mad too.

Hey again.

This seemed like a trivial issue till a while back. But I mistakenly copied a code from another file into the one that I was working on and I saved it. I think I just lost the file that I was working on, cos I can’t undo. Is there any way I can get the code back?

Sorry, I don’t think so :frowning: If you find you do most of your coding by hand, i.e, not using the GUI editor, you could use another editor and enable the external editor option. I often find myself doing this on larger files. I’ll use Sublime to edit the code and Cabbage will automatically pick up the changes and update.