After what seems like an eternity, I’ve finally gotten around to packaging the first official release of Cabbage 2.
Most on this list will already be familiar with all the goodness offered in this new version, but one thing you may not be aware of is that Cabbage now exports to AudioUnits in the same way it does for VSTs. Please give it a whirl and report any issue you may have.
The main website has been updated, along with the online docs. Note that the current release is actually more recent than the latest beta, so for now it’s best to grab binaries from the link posted above. Good luck and enjoying Cabbageing (Apropos, we should start a petition to get Cabbageing into the Oxford diction for 2020!)
Finally, I’d like to thank @iainmccurdy, @Oeyvind, @Karamel1 @t_grey and everyone else that helped bring this version to release. Without your endless hours of frustration during the beta testing process this release would never have made the light of day!