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cabbageCreate "incompatible type" error

with this I get INIT ERROR: channel already exists with incompatible type

        SEffectSelect1 sprintf {{ bounds(5, 5, 130, 30), populate("*.orc", "%s"), channelType("string"), colour(30,30,30,0), value("FilterVerb.orc"), channel("EffectList1"), highlightColour("52, 152, 219,100"), fontColour(40,40,40), parent("EffectsControls1") }}, gSEffectDir
        cabbageCreate "combobox", SEffectSelect1  

but if I put the chnget before the channel is created, it compiles.

    SEffectSelect1 sprintf {{ bounds(5, 5, 130, 30), populate("*.orc", "%s"), channelType("string"), colour(30,30,30,0), value("FilterVerb.orc"), channel("EffectList1"), highlightColour("52, 152, 219,100"), fontColour(40,40,40), parent("EffectsControls1") }}, gSEffectDir
    cabbageCreate "combobox", SEffectSelect1

Just curious why this happens? Am I not pulling a string from chnget? Full code attached here cabbageCreateTest.csd (967 Bytes)

I get no such error here? What version of Cabbage are you using? Usually this kind of error is because you have already declared a widget of the same channel name, but with a different channel type. But your code is working fine here.

Cabbage 2.7.5

The example file I attached works b/c it is the latter block. Can you reproduce it with this one attached?
cabbageCreateTest.csd (967 Bytes)

For me, it consistently throws the error and then crashes Cabbage.

This one works fine for me. :thinking: I tested with 2.7.4 and 2.7.6 which is the build from yesterday…

That’s very strange then. Something’s definitely up… I have been having some other odd issues with Cabbage. Sometimes I have to load another .csd outside of my working directory to compile anything from my working directory… I tried clearing the prefs but that didn’t do anything. Any other suggestions?

What version of Csound are you using? Something has creeped in somewhere with csoundCompile() and I’m no sure what. But some of the example no longer run with a whitespace in their name. it’s odd, they always did before. Changing back to Csound 6.15 fixes it but I still don’t know why… but maybe this isn’t even the issue in this case…

I’m on 2.7.7

And when this issue happens all you need to do is compile another .csd and then like magic the one that didn’t work suddenly does?

Exactly. Just ran a few quick tests…

This happens consistently when I first open Cabbage. Any file I try to compile in my “Plugin Development” folder doesn’t open or do anything. I need to open a .csd on my Desktop compile it and then I can run anything else… seems very system specific. I only have some git initialized on the Plugin Dev folder… but nothing else really permissions-wise.

If you remove the whitespace in the folder name does it work?

Yes, that seems to be the case

I was blindly hoping that would resolve this issue too but no luck :smile_cat: