Based on feedback I was getting about issues with multichannel instruments in various hosts, I rewrote a chunk of code that deals with this. I’ve tested in Studio One, Cubase, Reaper and Live, and so far I see no issues with VSTs. However, I have yet to test AUs, I expect I will hit a few issues there. So please don’t anyone update unless you absolutely need these changes!
Users do not, and will not need to change anything in their code. This is merely a warning shot to those testing the latest dev tip.
@Gerbo I’m pretty sure the side-channel stuff is now broken But don’t worry, it’s next on my list. Then it’s back to the mono/stereo issues we had in Logic. The upshot is that the code base is much cleaner now.
@Andy.Fillebrown This might also break some of your stuff, so stay clear of this tip until I can work on the AU side of things
[edit] audio FX might be broken in Cubase, but synths are working fine…