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Combobox next and last button

Noticed something neat when trying a ensemble in Reaktor.

The combobox for selecting presets has a next and last button included in it. I think this would be cool if there’s a way to implement this?


The question I have related to this is, how much control of combobox do we have from csound? EG:

chnset "value(2)", "presetComboboxIDchn"

To select the second preset form inside of a Csound instrument.

A regular channel can be used to both set an retreieve a value from a combobox, like a slider:

form caption("Test") size(400, 300), pluginid("def1")
combobox bounds(140, 56, 130, 42) items("I", "can", "change", "this", "using", "a", "normal", "channel") channel("cbox")
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

instr 1
 if metro(1) == 1 then
    chnset  int(random:k(1, 7)), "cbox" 

f0 z
i1 0 z

It can also be done with an identifier channel.

if metro(1) == 1 then
    SMessage sprintfk "value(%d)", int(random:k(0, 7))
    chnset  SMessage, "cbox" 

You could add two button beside a combobox, and then set the value of the combobox accordingly. If it’s for presets though you might want to roll your own preset manager and build a new system. There is only so far you can push the existing one…